Trailer swap on hard shoulder

On the coaches we used to do similar but swapping people from one to another. The clear instruction though was never without highways or police presence.

Obviously people vs goods, but I’d argue its a dangerous situation either way. You probably get more sense out of the hoods too :laughing:

I’ve attended a passenger transfer many times. I put a lane one closure on to make it safe for the transfer.

Remember when the roadworks fellas used to run across three lanes carrying huge signs etc

Times have changed and they beat us with the safety stick.
The hard shoulder is a dangerous place to hang around for sure, especially with the idiots at the wheel of all size vehicles today.

I wouldn’t think twice about doing this if it was my own outfit or a small friendly firm, but would I do it for a logistics co because a planner asked me to? No

We put rolling road blocks on for them now to do it safely.