Trailer swap on hard shoulder

Punchy Dan:
I’d just crack on why worry it’s got to be done .

You do hs2 work?just ‘crack on there’?..nope you do exactly what your told to,talks cheap

Why couldn’t the recovery take the trailer attached to the unit to a safe place before uncoupling? I have in the past been recovered unit & trailer together so what was the problem? Serious question & I don’t have ADR so if that comes into play can someone explain please.

If remember rightly’ to recover an ADR vehicle, the recovery driver also has to have ADR.

Lost for words nearly.
The OP epitomises all that’s wrong with the world now, the only thing you neglected to do was to ring your mummy and ask her if she’d packed your jobsworth hat in your pack up box along with sandwiches with the crust cut off them, I thought you might have done that before you told your transport manager that You can’t do it in case you pee your ■■■■■■■!

like you are why tens of thousands of people a year leave this industry physically and metally broken to spend the rest of their lives suffering with it.

If remember rightly’ to recover an ADR vehicle, the recovery driver also has to have ADR.

I last did heavy recovery around 2013 so things may have changed, plus I had a current ADR due to my previous tanker employment so never really thought about it, but I was led to believe that to move an ADR vehicle to the first place of safety the wrecker driver did not require ADR training. To move the vehicle somewhere else ie back to the vehicles base required the driver (or suitably trained driver) from the casualty vehicle to travel with the recovery vehicle.

I stand to be corrected.

The whole of this sounds to me more like the manager saying : " that load simply must, absolutely has to be, is going to be delivered on time, because I say so."

We don’t know that because the guvnor was obviously never asked the question as to emergency service provision to manage the recovery.Common sense says you can’t mess around stopping with a serviceable unit and then coupling up a parked trailer on a hard shoulder without motorway control being informed first and aware of it/managing it.

I think the only way possible will be to have the police or highways present and a lane closure. If knacked unit is in front how will the new unit with the trailer build up speed to join the motorway.

I would only doing if the police or highways were present and a lane closure in place so I can exit safely


Punchy Dan:
I’d just crack on why worry it’s got to be done .

You do hs2 work?just ‘crack on there’?..nope you do exactly what your told to,talks cheap

Your right I don’t I just sub it out and make money on it ,I don’t go in for the being told what to do by little hitlers .
That’s why I run to Scotland so much and places where they are generally pleased to see me and offer me a drink on arrival :wink:

Punchy Dan:


Punchy Dan:
I’d just crack on why worry it’s got to be done .

You do hs2 work?just ‘crack on there’?..nope you do exactly what your told to,talks cheap

Your right I don’t I just sub it out and make money on it ,I don’t go in for the being told what to do by little hitlers .
That’s why I run to Scotland so much and places where they are generally pleased to see me and offer me a drink on arrival :wink:

A bottle of Bud by any chance Dan? :laughing:

like you are why tens of thousands of people a year leave this industry physically and metally broken to spend the rest of their lives suffering with it.

No, I would suggest it’s “Men” like you who leave the industry mentally broken when you post your home address on Internet forums and invite other drivers to attend your premises so you can beat the living daylights out of them and hospitalise them, isn’t that right Mr Connor Turton?

That is not the action of a stable “Man”.
I could post a link to your antics but it’s not hard to find using google.


Punchy Dan:


Punchy Dan:
I’d just crack on why worry it’s got to be done .

You do hs2 work?just ‘crack on there’?..nope you do exactly what your told to,talks cheap

Your right I don’t I just sub it out and make money on it ,I don’t go in for the being told what to do by little hitlers .
That’s why I run to Scotland so much and places where they are generally pleased to see me and offer me a drink on arrival :wink:

A bottle of Bud by any chance Dan? :laughing:

Never heard of it ,is it a fizzy pop :laughing:

As said somebody has got to do it - if plod/Hato present I would oblige no problem - legs crank and catwalk access is on the grass side so crack on.

the maoster:

If remember rightly’ to recover an ADR vehicle, the recovery driver also has to have ADR.

I last did heavy recovery around 2013 so things may have changed, plus I had a current ADR due to my previous tanker employment so never really thought about it, but I was led to believe that to move an ADR vehicle to the first place of safety the wrecker driver did not require ADR training. To move the vehicle somewhere else ie back to the vehicles base required the driver (or suitably trained driver) from the casualty vehicle to travel with the recovery vehicle.

I stand to be corrected.

I am with you, even a police officer in a panda car can move a bus or lorry to a place of safety despite not having a licence.

When a vehicle carrying dangerous goods breaks down or is involved in an RTC, it may have to be recovered by a towing vehicle. If it is supervised by the emergency services (usually the police), ADR exemption (d) applies.

Otherwise, a new “transport unit” will be formed, and the regulations will apply conventionally. The towing vehicle or low loader (as the case may be) should carry the front orange plate and the driver be appropriately trained (though it would be acceptable for the original driver to travel where that is possible).

If those conditions cannot be met the vehicle should be moved the minimum distance to a safe place pending proper arrangements being made. This could be as directed or supervised by a police officer.

Carriers seeking to arrange recovery of their own vehicles should ensure that the recovery agent has suitably qualified staff to recover vehicles carrying dangerous goods.

Wheel Nut:

the maoster:

If remember rightly’ to recover an ADR vehicle, the recovery driver also has to have ADR.

I last did heavy recovery around 2013 so things may have changed, plus I had a current ADR due to my previous tanker employment so never really thought about it, but I was led to believe that to move an ADR vehicle to the first place of safety the wrecker driver did not require ADR training. To move the vehicle somewhere else ie back to the vehicles base required the driver (or suitably trained driver) from the casualty vehicle to travel with the recovery vehicle.

I stand to be corrected.

I am with you, even a police officer in a panda car can move a bus or lorry to a place of safety despite not having a licence.

When a vehicle carrying dangerous goods breaks down or is involved in an RTC, it may have to be recovered by a towing vehicle. If it is supervised by the emergency services (usually the police), ADR exemption (d) appl

Otherwise, a new “transport unit” will be formed, and the regulations will apply conventionally. The towing vehicle or low loader (as the case may be) should carry the front orange plate and the driver be appropriately trained (though it would be acceptable for the original driver to travel where that is possible).

If those conditions cannot be met the vehicle should be moved the minimum distance to a safe place pending proper arrangements being made. This could be as directed or supervised by a police officer.

Carriers seeking to arrange recovery of their own vehicles should ensure that the recovery agent has suitably qualified staff to recover vehicles carrying dangerous goods.

Thanks for clarifying that. I hadn’t realised there were exemptions for emergencies, but it makes sense that there are.

As said somebody has got to do it - if plod/Hato present I would oblige no problem - legs crank and catwalk access is on the grass side so crack on.

^ This.Except fifth wheel safety clip.
Also bearing in mind that you don’t want to be on the catwalk or checking the fifth wheel jaws if the thing gets hit at high speed on the shoulder from behind. :bulb:


Wheel Nut:
Carriers seeking to arrange recovery of their own vehicles should ensure that the recovery agent has suitably qualified staff to recover vehicles carrying dangerous goods.

Thanks for clarifying that. I hadn’t realised there were exemptions for emergencies, but it makes sense that there are.

Either way lane 1 being live, or at very least not an emergency vehicle parked behind covering the line with blue lights and hazards on, would be an issue.

As said somebody has got to do it - if plod/Hato present I would oblige no problem - legs crank and catwalk access is on the grass side so crack on.

Catwalk access may or may not be on the verge side, depending on make/model of tractor unit. Iveco for example put theirs on the other side…

I would have thought if the recovery truck was only going to haul away the tractor unit then the police would be quickly calling the trailer owner and tell them to get this trailer moved ASAP.

In France and some other countries, the authorities automatically send out a tow truck or crane depending on the situation, that has to be paid whether you like it or don’t like it, it’s their law or the Gendarmerie will request the tow truck at a few grand costs.
I broke down going up a mountain near Pamplona , the Basque police dispatched two heavy cranes of which I didn’t ask for as the situation was already being dealt with DKV a German break down firm based in Essex with a nice German lady called Angela that spoke like an actress from an Auf Wiedersehn tv series.

Looking at this, I’m not too sure how you could safely do this without lane closures.

As mentioned there’s the broken unit being in front so can’t get out. Also unless its gone a long way up the road, you could have to slow down pretty quick to get between the broken unit and trailer which doesn’t sound too safe.

I know we could all do it, but you do need to take into account all the other idiots out there. So would probably be a no from me unless HATO involved, as not paid to go out of my way for most managers anymore.