Trailer lights!

had that few weeks ago.when i went from Depot to Hub failed Trailerlight on the Way.
found out that someone pulled Cable from Tractor so much out that it fell out during driving.
next Days on each again.
didn,t find the reason why someone doesn,t likes light on trailer

In the old days :unamused: , a paper clip jammed between the contacts fully exposed on the inside rear cab bulkhead of my Mk.1 Atki was all that was needed to check the stop lights. Nowadays you need a computer :cry:

reverse back to a wall or so and breaklight will reflect in night if it works

fred Kanka:
[reverse back to a wall or so and breaklight will reflect in night if it works

And if there is no wall, or it is not dark? :unamused:

allways some 1 in our yard to ask

There should be a law that is enforced to make shure that the tractors have properly working equipment and there should be fines to make shure that they keep them maintained

There is, they have to abide by the same construction and use regulations, and vehicle condition laws as everyone else.

I think they should have their MOT exemption removed though, judging by the crap most of them consider roadworth.

with the new R series scanias, the alarm fob has a button for testing the lights. you can lock the cab, push the lights-test button on the fob and you get a 2 minute sequence of every light fitted to the unit and trailer.

Yeah and the ■■■■ Trailer light fuses (57 & 58 if I think right) are forever blowing, when your mobile, Also Fuse 45? for the brake lights is another common one for blowing yet Scania say there is no fault despite 5 or 6 in our fleet going through fuses every week. :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Thermos flask fits nicely, between seat and brake pedal, I carry a tape measure, because of abnormal load movements. Also carry spare bulbs, no fuses as my Actros has trip switches.

I must admit, I also check the 5th wheel jaws, after hitching up, even after the 2 ‘tug’ test, peace of mind more than anything.

My biggest bug bearer is people running around without, registration plates on trailers, what you hiding? :wink:



Well where I’m working at the mo you have to be checked out of the gate by the security guard who checks you have the right trailer so I get him to nip around the back and check them for me. It’s not as if he has a lot to do and it makes him feel useful and one of the team. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Davey Driver:
Yeah and the ■■■■ Trailer light fuses (57 & 58 if I think right) are forever blowing, when your mobile, Also Fuse 45? for the brake lights is another common one for blowing yet Scania say there is no fault despite 5 or 6 in our fleet going through fuses every week. :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

I’d say its your trailers. we have a mixed fleet of trailers, also pull transam trailers and customers own trailers, often having upto 15 different trailers over 6 days, and in 12 months i’ve never had a fuse blow in this one.

Well now I know :smiley:

I do a light check every time I pick up/change trailer and if the weather is bad every time I stop.

good man. thats what i do aswell. its a pity alot of the other (professional) drivers dont do the same.

Were not expected to go out with a bulb gone.

Tony b