Tragic accident in Hull

A devoted young mother killed just innocentlly going about her business by a scumbag …who also died with 2 of his mates in the car they nicked, on wrong side of road.
Dont give a toss about the latter fatalities, but I always tend to think of my own family when this type of sh happens.
She left a 9 year old daughter and a husband.
Does my head in this sort of stuff.

How the frig could the Police be trying to communicate with each other on different radio channels?

One late night last year I was driving up the M2 towards M25 in a rigid. A couple miles before the junction a car flashed me twice as it was driving towards and past me in lane 3 on my side of the motorway with no lights…It was a low height white sports car but until they flashed me I swear I didn’t see them as it was a non-lit section.

Minute or so later 2 cop cars wtih blue lights on at the other side of the carriageway I figured they were chasing the white car so the ■■■■■■■■ were driving on the wrong side with lights off trying to escape which I believe they managed to as the next day I checked local news and police sites but found no mention of the incident, fortunately no accident either.

Sadly being in the wrong place at the wrong time I’m afraid.

Stuff like this happens so often sadly I’m a afraid to say.

All you can hope is she didn’t suffer much and her family deal with their grief.

As for the police if they had still been chasing it they would have been blamed for causing the accident, but they will also get blamed for not carrying on chasing it and stopping it, they can’t really do right for wrong in these types of Instances.

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Maybe corresponding on the same radio channel would have been extremely helpful. Also the plebs in the stolen car ended up at the main police headquarters in the area and seemingly in a dead end yet the police still didn’t stop them.
Police have the ability to decide to end a chase if it is deemed to be too risky, that is what they did in this situation a minute and 30 or so seconds before the fatal impact. There are strict rules in place regarding police persuits so there is no reason why the police “can’t do right for wrong”.

I mean In the eyes of the public, they give chase and accident is caused and people cause uproar blaming the police for giving chase, if they abandon the chase die to risk and then that vehicle causes an accident like in this case, again people will be up in arms because they stopped the chase.

That’s why they can’t do right for doing wrong. Whatever they do certain groups of people from one side or the other will be up in arms about it.

None of us know exactly what happened or how and why the chase was stopped we only know the details that get released and often they can made up or only little bits given that don’t give the full context.

I’m also not saying there was possibly railings by the police force but again we don’t usually know the full story.

Understand your point, but rules are rules, if the police have stuck to the rules then does it matter what Joe public thinks or says? The very fact the police couldn’t even communicate properly speaks volumes.

A woman with her whole life ahead of her dead, a husband without a wife, a daughter without a mother. The relatives of the plebs in the other car didn’t even turn up at the inquest, that also speaks volumes.

I understand what your saying but regardless of anything the police didn’t do right, the fault and blame is solely the ■■■■ stains that decided to be thieves and run from the police.

It is also no surprise their families wouldn’t attend the inquest either tbh as they would most likely attract hate and abuse for attending.

Just because one or more people in a family do bad stuff doesn’t mean the whole family is full of bad people and that’s if they even have anything to do with those family members.

Think the reason the relatives didn’t attend the inquest is that they were all too busy driving their ford transits pulling caravans!

The issue of wrong side of the road driving habits is happening right across the board. Whether cutting right hand bends or just idiotic road positioning because can’t judge width.All equally idiotic scumbags and serious head on collision waiting to happen.
While even councils are as bad deliberately removing central dividing lines thereby even cancelling out the value of video evidence and dash cams assuming the film survives or witness accounts.