Traffic enforment officers

hello all.
in our area the police call them the wombles.

You’ve had over 1100 days since the previous post to think about it and wombles is the best you can come up with :unamused: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

call them the wombles.

Hahahahaha … That`s original … Not .

as said , 1100 days later ,

been watching a repeat of a repeat of "Teet gear " on iplayer again at all ■■ :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

You could have called them :arrow_right: " Tarmac gangstas " or :arrow_right: Hi viz ninjas or :arrow_right: weeble warriors, or :-
:arrow_right: thewomblewarriorsthatcanremoveyourvehicletowedatyourcostforahighfeefromthecarriagewayorshoulderandcanreportyoutothepolicebecauseyouaretootightto
havebreakdowncoverandyouhavebeenthereformorethantwohours brigade. :grimacing: Something original at least

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: