Traffic enforment officers

is it me, but since these t o have been put on the roads to keep traffic flowing the problem has got worse, they have these big 4x4’s , so common sense would be to put a strap around the offending cars etc and pull them off the carriage way, maybe they should employ recovery drivers instead of ex secutity officers who think they have climbed a career ladder…

common sense would be to put a strap around the offending cars etc and pull them off the carriage way

Common sense doesnt seem to be used much these days unfortunatly :unamused:

Are these the same people in the big 4x4’s who driver at 45-50mph on motorways making all trucks need to move out into lane two to get past and causing even more congestion, by any chance■■?

Are these the same people in the big 4x4’s who driver at 45-50mph on motorways making all trucks need to move out into lane two to get past and causing even more congestion, by any chance■■?

No, you must be thinking of a different mob These ones drive at 52 -55 mph so they can react to anything that needs their assistance/attention before they are past it.

I think you will find, they cant pull vehicles off the road due to red tape, something along the lines of they are not recovery operators so they cant move it out of the way, same a changing wheels for people, they could do it but if something went wrong and the [zb] hit the fan there would be no backup from management as they are not supposed to be doing that.

They do however make the scene safe, or as safe as it can be,

It will be the great british nosey public that cause the congestion, :imp:

Also have you tried looking for something on the hard shoulder faster than 55mph and intend to stop safely behind■■?, at the end of the day you cant be stuck behind one that many times in a day can you?

How about we just give them a break and let them get on with the jobs they are paid to do, While they are around my job is a little bit safer. :laughing:

the police call um T.I.P.P.O’s stands for
tossers inpersonating propper police officers

Heard a rumour in the near future they are gonna be given the power to dish out fines for speeding and other offences.

Ive no problem with them, at least they deal with the f-witts on hardshoulders. Now its summer time (supposedly) get loads of people on the M74 and M6 i guess who never normally use motorways much. Loads stoping for a pee, or to make a phone call or something equally as stupid and dangerous.

Or the ■■■■ on the M61 i nearly ran over the other week, somthing up with his car so he is standing looking at the car then steps onto the carraigeway of the motorway lookin at the car. I was coming along with a truck overtaking me nowhere to go, and no chance to stop musta missed him by a foot or somthing.

Only time they have peed me off was once driving down the M6 near Lancaster had been foggy over Shap etc… but fog had cleared but signs still showed 50mph and HA vehicle was sitting in lane 2 doing just under 50mph so no truck could get past to slow the traffic down ! I was on a two man shift to Birmingham eventually the guy i was working with undertook them because fog had cleared and they had no right slowing down traffic.

next time you see one at an msa ask him this question Do you by any chance own a caravan!? :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

was in penny farthing services or what ever its now called the tippo’s in Q had thier coffee for 20p so i said to girl serving if i put on a big silly yellow coat would i too get discount the look i got from um would have killed!! :frowning:


common sense would be to put a strap around the offending cars etc and pull them off the carriage way

Common sense doesnt seem to be used much these days unfortunatly :unamused:

Its a shame you guys weren’t on the A1M, just below where it joins the M1 at 0630 last Tuesday morning. Then you’d have seen lots of common sense, as they did exactly what your claiming they dont do :unamused:

I know its not their fault, they’re only following the rules that they’re made to but it really does take the Michael when you see three of these guys standing by a car on the hard shoulder watching a young girl or old man/woman trying to change a wheel and having a very hard time of it.

Mind you, I’m sure I passed an incedent the other day and I may be wrong, but it looked very much like one of these officers was actually doing something to a stranded car himself! I may ofcourse be mistaken.

Here thick head…click on this link…and u may learn something…direct from a Traffic Officer

:unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

It will be the great british nosey public that cause the congestion, :

Never fails.Coming home this afternoon,got in the queue on M5/M6 junction for half an hour to find the queue was caused because some poor geezer had got a flat tyre on his Merc!He was on the hard shoulder changing his wheel and of course everyone had to slow down to see what was happening.

I think you will find, they cant pull vehicles off the road due to red tape, something along the lines of they are not recovery operators so they cant move it out of the way,

Would it not be better if they used a strap? That red tape is not designed for towing vehicles :stuck_out_tongue:

If Supersmiley asks a stupid question we dont all answer him with Oy. Thickhead. We may think it but are too polite to mention it


common sense would be to put a strap around the offending cars etc and pull them off the carriage way

Common sense doesnt seem to be used much these days unfortunatly :unamused:

You wouldn’t believe the arguements around common sense, and :unamused: , i agree, but carriageway clearance is what the job is about, just sometimes health and safety or ex office muppets get in the way. There are plenty of ex recovery,military,ambo,police and truckers doing the job so hopefully most of the time it will be shifted and bl**dy quick, 2 main problems are rubbernecking [zb]s causing more shunts and whipcash victims who cannot be moved due to claiming/feigning injury, sometimes a quick chat about the fireboys removing the roof helps to remove them from the running lanes.

Saying that one on the roof a few months ago the trucking lads helpfully put it back on it’s wheels with the injured driver still strapped inside :laughing: ,

caused by see below

Oh and do us a favour, ask all your polish buddies to stop sideswiping this would help to keep the m/ways going a bit better :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

…and whipcash victims…

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: I like that.

Hato’s should drag wrecks from live lanes to the h/s.Thats one thing our h&s allows us to do!!Must be a reason why they didnt.It might just be a muppet crew who were useless.We do have them,same as every industry,even haulage.I speak to more lorry drivers who are pro hato than ones that are anti,so we must be doing something right.

Years ago two of us had flat batteries at Knutsford, me in a little cargo and another bloke in a loaded artic, along come the police in there range rover, and pulled us both to bump start us, tried to give them a fiver but they would have none of it, said thats why were here anytime just ask, cant see these so called TOs doing that H&S seems to get in the way of common sense.

I wonder if it will ever come to having ‘government’ recovery vehicles covering the busiest/most notorious sections of m/way on standby to attend and do whatever is necessary to clear the road, similar to the contraflow roadworks recovery we see now.

I believe,but stand to be corrected,that the HA have recovery on stand-by on A1 Gateshead by-pass at peak times,along with traffic motorcycles.
(Common sense has been banned at the HA until further notice!! Thats why we are not allowed to use it!!)