Anyone see this a hgv driver killed a teenager on the A1 and was more than 3 times the drink drive limit.
The police traffic control staff were shocked and surprised that a proffesional driver was driving while drunk.
long prison sentence for that driver I think…
Traffic cops on TV or in real life?
News link ?
BBC tv program 9pm last night. Yorkshire police.
Probably a Google search will reveal its old news, before I google I’ll guess 4-5 years sentanced.
I’ll start watching Traffic Cops again when they dedicate more than 5 minutes of the program to road policing. No wonder there are so many bad drivers on the roads, all the “Traffic Cops” get filmed doing is finding a wrap of cannabis on a shoplifter or some dodgy plants in a squatters den.
Deleted - Posted in wrong thread. Like a complete loon.
Didn’t see that one but did see the one on channel 5 where the copper was chasing a car at I think 70mph though a town with his hand on his radio talking to his control, how was that safe?
It does ■■■■ me off when I see the law sat on a Mway with a speed gun. Say what you like, but on a motorway it is relatively safe to travel at high speeds.
In places like my village it aint, but you never see the ■■■■■ here with a speed gun. I can’t think why.
He came out with the official ‘party line’ of …speed on m.ways causing accidents, speed kills etc. He should have a look at the Autobhans in Germany which go a long way to refuting his views.
‘Speed’ does not kill, it is inappropriate speed that does, getting back to my local village.
He pulled the young lass in lecturing her how ‘dangerous’ 90 was in a 70 limit, …while sat in the hard shoulder with her adjacent to a mass of high speed traffic, and her car sat in front with 2 kids in.
Where is the consistency for his concern for safety in that.
The true agenda is revenue raising… under the guise of road safety as a justification for it.
Truck drivers used to drink to excess because they were lonely … now they have Trucknet, there is no excuse…
I have just spent five days touring in Somerset and think in all that time I have probably seen just two police vehicles. People can (and do) almost anything they want out there now, as their chances of getting caught are at best slim. Dashcams redress some of that balance as we sadly end up policing our own roads nowadays. Someone driving dangerously? Put it on YouTube and the problem will go away (not).
This was the accident they were talking about. … ?ref=var_0
The New Zealand copper came across as a right ■■■■■
It does ■■■■ me off when I see the law sat on a Mway with a speed gun. Say what you like, but on a motorway it is relatively safe to travel at high speeds.
In places like my village it aint, but you never see the [zb] here with a speed gun. I can’t think why.
You reckon??
How many accidents in your village in the last month ?
Now look at how many accidents on the M5 by Jan 23 , long straight road .
It’s almost 2 a week at least on the
M 5
It does ■■■■ me off when I see the law sat on a Mway with a speed gun. Say what you like, but on a motorway it is relatively safe to travel at high speeds.
In places like my village it aint, but you never see the [zb] here with a speed gun. I can’t think why.You reckon??
How many accidents in your village in the last month ?
Now look at how many accidents on the M5 by Jan 23 , long straight road .
It’s almost 2 a week at least on the
M 5
I tend to believe that most m/way “incidents” are collisions caused by the lane-hopping, undertaking and undercutting/brake testing clowns who do as they see fit as and when they want. Not much opportunity to drive like this in rural villages.
Truck drivers used to drink to excess because they were lonely … now they have Trucknet, there is no excuse…I have just spent five days touring in Somerset and think in all that time I have probably seen just two police vehicles. People can (and do) almost anything they want out there now, as their chances of getting caught are at best slim. Dashcams redress some of that balance as we sadly end up policing our own roads nowadays. Someone driving dangerously? Put it on YouTube and the problem will go away (not).
The question is “How many police cars DIDNT you see?” I do night trunking, and the number of saloon cars whizzing past me with blue lights flashing is ridiculous, yet I rarely see a marked up jam sandwich.
The emphasis is on catching people doing stupid things, not preventing them.
It does ■■■■ me off when I see the law sat on a Mway with a speed gun. Say what you like, but on a motorway it is relatively safe to travel at high speeds.
In places like my village it aint, but you never see the [zb] here with a speed gun. I can’t think why.You reckon??
How many accidents in your village in the last month ?
Now look at how many accidents on the M5 by Jan 23 , long straight road .
It’s almost 2 a week at least on the
M 5
To be fair, the M5 is a shade under 163 miles long (Googled that!) with probably 100 odd thousand vehicle movements per day…the road through his village might be 2 mile long with 10 vehicles per day…just saying like . And it’s not ‘how fast you drive’, it’s how you drive fast’
Every mistake or deliberately dangerous move made by any driver - shortens the odds of a collision.
Even with each of us driving super-carefully, it only takes a nutcase to do something real daft - to cause a pile-up, or serious accident that would possibly be blamed upon the truck driver for no better reason than “no evidence to the contrary”.
I think all hauliers in the UK should have company-installed FORE and AFT cameras recording at all times the engine is running, and taking less frequent snapshots (per minute) whilst the the vehicle has the anchor applied.
What would have happened to that last driver in particular - without the dashcam to back him up?
Whoever rear-ended him would have been seriously injured, with their own people arguing WTF did that truck stop dead like that for?
Wasn’t that Beemer driver just bloody typical, and birds are worse than blokes. How self righteous can you get?
And I certainly think she got away lightly.
Might be a better idea to have a breathaliser on an ignition cut out .
You would have to pass to start engine .
And i think limit should be basically 0 for lorry drivers .
I am amazed when tramping how many people load the tinnies before setting off for the week .
And it has to be said , most of them are our friends from the former soviet union
Might be a better idea to have a breathaliser on an ignition cut out .
You would have to pass to start engine .And i think limit should be basically 0 for lorry drivers .
I am amazed when tramping how many people load the tinnies before setting off for the week .
And it has to be said , most of them are our friends from the former soviet union
Think Volvo did that a few years ago
Maybe they did . its simple technology
But ive yet to have to use 1 !!!