Tracking/monitoring technology

Hello all,

I’m studying Transport & Logistics Management at university and am currently doing my final year project, which is on the use of vehicle tracking/monitoring technologies in the haulage industry. I’m really keen to get the views of transport managers/owners/fleet operators and other transport office staff who use this technology in their roles. I’ve created a couple of short online surveys, the links are posted below. There’s also an optional prize draw, as an incentive to have your say :slight_smile:

Other transport office staff:

There’s a little more information about me and the survey there, but to summarise here:

  • Responses are wholly anonymous, there’s no questions asking about sensitive data such as your name, your employer, etc.
  • The data from this survey will only be used for this dissertation.
  • People who no longer work in transport are still welcome to participate.
  • The survey closes at 23:59 on the 31st March.

Please also/if you prefer, feel free to share your thoughts and opinions on the matter here - might be fun to see a bit of debate going on!