

its all part of the wake up call - destiny . youre going to have to fight a little to get your licence back-good - the struggle will make you all the more determined not to DD In the future .

good luck!

Go to your doctor and ask for a referal letter to go to your local hospital’s pathology dept for a liver function test. This will cost you about £6.00 and the results will be emailed to your GP, This will give your GP a difinitive idea of what your drinking habits have really been like.
Before you do this, Just be sure you are not lying to yourself because this could win you your licence back, Or completely [zb] you up.
If you’ve had any alcohol in the last month, even a shandy. Leave it for a few weeks.
If DVLA don’t play ball, Speak to your traffic commissioner. They rule the roost not DVLA.

Good luck.

If DVLA don’t play ball, Speak to your traffic commissioner. They rule the roost not DVLA.

That’s a good point that I hadn’t thought about. insert to memory

Whatever the outcome you have made the best decision of your life by admitting your problem - jobs may come and go and you may well regret things that have happened but after all is said and done you have only one life - no second chances here!

I haven’t had a drink since 5th August 2010 and now treat each day as a bonus.

Very best wishes and I hope all turns out well for you!

I think you should be permanently banned heavy drinking that often and driving ok you admit to having a problem risk your own life all you like but not innocent drivers this world is full of morons am sure of it

I think you should be permanently banned heavy drinking that often and driving ok you admit to having a problem risk your own life all you like but not innocent drivers this world is full of morons am sure of it

Life’s low points affect everyone in different ways.
What a pathetic statement you made.

I think you should be permanently banned heavy drinking that often and driving ok you admit to having a problem risk your own life all you like but not innocent drivers this world is full of morons am sure of it

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but you could have been a little more tactful with your wording :bulb:


I think you should be permanently banned heavy drinking that often and driving ok you admit to having a problem risk your own life all you like but not innocent drivers this world is full of morons am sure of it

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but you could have been a little more tactful with your wording :bulb:

Oh sorry now there fella ever so sorry you risked peoples lives with your small drinks occasionally i appreciate its not your fault for driving whilst drunk bless you

That better ?
What exactly is wrong with what i put ?


hope it all works out mate,only thing i could suggest is try for a local shunting job in yard till you get things sorted.

Fair play fella, but sometimes it is better to keep mum and still work hard at your issue … Good luck to the future … :wink:

I would rather not see this thread going the way of some others on here and be removed or locked, you have said your opinion and you are entitled to do so. I started this not to get sympathy but to get help and advice and hopefully make others out there think about their own actions if they are heading down the same path as I now find myself on.

If you are the sort of person who enjoys kicking others when they are down then fill your boots and I hope it makes you fell good about yourself. I am not going to respond to any more of your negative comments and I hope others do the same, it does not help anybody.

Don’t worry about the pillocks that claim to be whiter than white.
I know two ex heroin addicts that have done very well for themselves.
They have both done time, Both are now succesful. They both cleaned themselves up.
I gave one of them his first legitimate job, He honestly couldn’t believe how much money he could earn by hard graft.
The past is the past.
Ok, You’re not an ex smackhead, But addiction is addiction. The principle is the same.
Good luck.



big boots:
play the system like they’ve played you,get down job centre with a doctors letter and get on the depression,sod em it works both ways :open_mouth:

It may well come to that, the best I can hope for at this stage is that the dole don’t say I have effectively made my self unemployed and give me no help at all.

And tell them you are dyslexic and then they have to give you every form your entitled to and fill it in for you, and exactly as above, play the game.

Balls of steel mate well done, and don’t be a stranger in here.

While I am sorry to hear of your personal problems I want say well done for recognising you have a problem and taking the action knocking someone down and killing them will haunt you forever there are no answers at the bottom of a glass or in an empty bottle try and take some time out to get the help you need I wish you lots of luck and hope you are driving again soon.

Dear Alcohol,
I don’t know where to start. We have come a long way, you and me.

Things were great in the beginning. I had never met anyone like you. Nobody had ever made me feel the way you did. I felt special when I was with you. Full of hope, that anything was possible. Those were magical days; no thought of tomorrow, everything ahead of us, exciting and fun.
I thought it would always be like that, I thought our feelings would never change.
I never believed you could hurt me this much.

You were my world, my everything. You completed me. I felt safe with you. You touched me like no one else could. I came to rely on you. You were always there, wherever I went. Then things changed.

I kept thinking; ‘This time it will be different, it will be like the old days’. But it never was, the old days never came back. I tried so hard, but it was all so much simpler in the old days.
But you made me feel ashamed. I was scared at what I was capable of when with you.
I got lost in you. I couldn’t see what was really happening. I pushed my family away; my friends didn’t matter anymore, as long as I had you.

It stopped being fun a long time ago. I don’t remember when. I should have stopped seeing you then, but I couldn’t let go of the promise you made all those years ago. You promised you’d be my one and only, but you lied. You lied about everything.
I see that now; I see that everything was an illusion, that nothing you did or said was true.

How could I have been so stupid, so naive? I was never special to you, you never cared about me. You just wanted me to yourself. You didn’t care what I wanted or needed. I was just one more to you.
I didn’t think there was any further I could go down in my obsession for you, but there was always more pain, more destruction, and still I wouldn’t let go. Then I came to the jumping off place.

I saw that you would kill me. My love for you would kill me.
I had to learn to live without you.

I decided at that point, that no matter how hard it was I wanted you out of my life forever. You tried to get me back, you were close a couple of times, but finally I saw you as you really were — a liar, a thief, a soul stealer; you were never capable of love.
You never cared.
It was seeing this that gave me the power to get over you. I learnt that all the things I thought you gave me, I could get myself.
I started loving myself; I learnt that I had something to offer. Best of all, I learnt I could cope without you. I found love and connection, in different ways to the ones you offered.
What you offered was fake. Now I know what real love is, you could never come close.
It’s over now, forever. I feel repulsed when I see you. I shudder to think that I could ever have loved you, that you could have been important to me.
You disgust me

I can walk past you now and it doesn’t bother me.
I feel free. I feel whole. I can see your lies and laugh at them. You have no hold anymore. You are nothing to me.

Yours sincerely,
A Recovered Alcoholic

My nephew won his battle with Heroin by getting off it with methadone…It was the booze that took him away before he was 30 though, it was a slow death and a painful one, with stays in the hospital to get him going again, as his organs were failing.
Died in his 20`s a really nice lad too.



If DVLA don’t play ball, Speak to your traffic commissioner. They rule the roost not DVLA.

That’s a good point that I hadn’t thought about. insert to memory

Just to add for info on any issue, even the traffic commissioner doesnt get the last word! they can be over ruled by a magistrates court!