

Have you now stopped or reduced the alcohol intake so that it would make no difference to the safety of driving vehicles?

The drinking has been under control since the end of October, I started a new job in December and things were getting back on track. I have been allowed to drive since informing DVLA last year but now I have it under control they have taken my licence away. Can not get to see my GP till next week. It could be up to a year that I have lost my car licence and 3 years for the LGV.

Seems like things are topsy turvey - drink prob + have licence the no drink issue + lose licence !!

Huge respect to you for posting and sharing. All the very best with this phase in your life, buddy - and it IS a phase.

consider us your personal 24/7 helpline!!

The DVLA will drag their feet. They always do over such issues. They will need a lot of evidence that your issues are sorted, and don’t expect them to listen to your GP - it’s likely they won’t find his or her evidence enough to re-issue your licence. They may, but I’d think they’ll want independent information.

So far as I’m aware, each case is taken on an individual basis. You seem to be getting sorted, yet have now lost your licence! Seems a tad unfair really.

You will have to jump through the hoops the DVLA see fit, but it’s likely to take some time to resolve I’d have thought. All you can do is, do as they ask and keep at them as much as possible to try and push things forward.

Best of luck with it and don’t forget that you’ve done nothing wrong. No DD convictions, and have admitted the issues and taken steps to sort them.

No one can do more than that in your situation. :sunglasses:

Like all of the others Wayne, i congratulate you, but it has been your misfortune to be honest, and you got your reward, so what you have to do now is Get back on that horse in other words, start the fight back, none of us on here are experts, but we offer sincerely our best opinions, so heres mine, Get down the job centre first, to sign on, at least you will have some money coming in, the next option is to fight the suspension, write a letter to the medical department, explaining that the problem has been under control since last October, tell them you are not dependent on the stuff, that you are more of a social weekend drinker now, and you only sought a bit more support from your doctor, the same as a smoker would who wants to give up. The way DVLA works, is to suspend the licence holder, and then make enquiries, which i assume is whats happening now. Anyway, i know it seems like an eternity to wait for the doctor appointment ( bloody NHS eh ! ) but he knows your history, and if he can not see a problem anymore, maybe he would give you a supporting letter, to send to DVLA in trying to get your licence back, and good luck with that, and keeo us all informed here on your progress.
In Hindsight, it doesnt always pay to be honest with organisations like any government agencies, they are only after stabbing you in the back, just be honest with yourself, and your family and friends, i think the majority of us here can vouch for that, stay strong Wayne, it will work out in the end.

Well done for admitting the problem, now the hard work begins! I am a registered alcoholic but have been dry for ten years, eleven this November! I was an ex para and my problems started after the Falklands really, then our numerous times/ years spent in Northern Ireland! We drink at first to be very socialable , then things happen which are out of OUR control BUT you can’t see it at the time as we sweep it under the carpet! Then what becomes ONE OF THE LADS for seven days a week supping down the ’ SHOT ( aldershot ) you get into mither, scrapping with civvies and your mates then I was involved in football hooliganism with Manchester uniteds red army and then comes trouble with the police! Now you’ve mentioned marriage well nows the time to stand up and be counted! Your licence shouldn’t be revoked, however you may have to lie a little if the doctor gets DVLA INVOLVED! PLEASE LEAVE THE ALCOHOL WELL ALONE! It will be very tough believe me I had a shrink, AA and a very understanding wife who actually came with me to every meeting/ appointment! I was a very deeply disturbed young man, but things happen for a reason and you’ll meet someone new at the right time right place! You are in for a rough ride to begin with, it gets easier as the years go on and for irony my shrink was from Northern Ireland and all my troubles stemmed from serving there apart from the Falklands where we had bayonet charged and killed argies in close quarter battle! That never really bothered me as In war it’s kill or be killed which is a different kettle of fish after spending many years undercover in ulster! You my son have my sincere backing 100% and I hope you pull through it! It will make you a better MAN! :sunglasses: good luck :grimacing:


Hi Wayne, dont get too despondant, as i said you have to fight… Because of my age, and my medical condition, i have to renew my licence every year, so last year, i did the usual after receiving my paperwork. Earlier in the year i had asked the doctor for some sleeping tablets, as i was having trouble sleeping, DVLA decided when they got the forms back, that i had Sleep Apnoea, All my problem was, is i cant keep still in bed, and therefore get sleep distraction, been there, done that, had the tests, so got on the dog and bone to Swansea, moaned like ■■, and they said, `Can you put that in writing, so i did, they then wrote to my doctor, who wrote back to them, who then wrote to me, and it took them 3 months to sort it out ( i did have the piece of paper that entitled me to drive ) but just shows what they know, so chin up, keep positive, and fight them all the way… failing that, we can always buy one for £350 :laughing:


play the system like they’ve played you,get down job centre with a doctors letter and get on the depression,sod em it works both ways :open_mouth:


Although you are commended for realising you have a problem, I don’t quite understand why you chose the
order of play you followed.
You’d already ,in Oct,started to fix the problem.

Involving DVLA will certainly be a regret in the future,I feel.

I hope it doesn’t affect your future insurance premiums.

Well done,mostly, good luck.

Well done on taking ur step to recovery dude. Its a pity I didn’t get talking to u before u told the dvla. U could of transfer ur books to Ireland where u don’t lose them for having a drink problem. However what done is done and u must keep the chin up pal. I know to well about people with drink problems, my father was a alcoholic, so was my brother and at the main my wife is winning the ballet with drink. Now when 1 thing u must understand that u r an alcohol, u can never drink again pal,hash words I know but u must know that…have u got any other help other than the doctors help? Do u have a partner?close family member that talks to u about ur problem?


I applaud you for dealing with the drinking problem, but I can’t say that I’m behind you on the turning yourself into DVLA over it :open_mouth:

They can suspend your licence because you like to get pickled :exclamation: Unreal :exclamation:

DD is an absolute offence, but no offence is committed until you drive or attempt to drive and unless you have been caught they have no case and therefore no reason to take your licence away, it is also likely to be a breach of doctor/patient confidentiality for the doctor to grass you up :unamused:

to be honest if everybody told their doctor then dvla about their health,sleeping,lifestyle,mental state there would be a genuine driver shortage.


Wayne did u see my post above.


I involved DVLA as my GP, who I went to for help and advice (in October) said if I did not Inform DVLA then she would. In hindsight, maybe she would not. I should have said nothing and not seen my GP again. But then again maybe things could be worse if I did that, who knows. Dammed if you do dammed if you don’t.

In hindsight I’d say you are right, her actions have not been helpful to your situation in any way, quite the opposite. I suppose it’s a lesson to anybody else thinking that their GP is somebody they can confide in, hope it all works out for you Wayne.

Ok pal. Get yourself into Alcoholics Anonymous group. There u will meet people from every walks of life.from 18 to 80. They might also help u to get ur licence back, a member or 2 there will is should take u under their wings. Trust me pal. Also your wife can join a group called Al-Anol ( alcoholics-anonymous.org.uk/). No one in them groups will judge u. They have been where u r or maybe worst. Please keep in touch pal.if u wish to talk to a stranger from AA I might be fit to arrange that for u! Its important u wife gets help too.she has been hurt and to be honest she must still love and want u when she is still with u.