Topic re-visit settings request

In another forum I visit:

When re-visiting a topic, you are sent to the next un-read post.
It really saves time, boosts the read, and reduces the scrolling.

Thoughts, Rikki?

(great site BTW, better than the other one!!)

With the current software I dont think I can set that up as standard.
Hopefully with the new forum software that we should have sometime this year ( but dont bet your life savings on it) there are a lot more settings that can be applied by the Admins, and by the users themselves to enable you to use the forums in the way that suits you best.

One of the best features of it is a “Bozo filter” which allows you to screen out posts from certain users so they never appear on the screen in front of you…

It also allows admins to “Bozo” users so although they post no-one ever sees them except the website admins and the member making the post.

It has an integrated photo gallery so you can upload pictures to the forum rather than an outside host. and it is not PHPBB so things like the search function work a lot cleaner and smoother.

There is a lot of work to do to integrate everyhting we have here already onto the new platform, and to be totally honest this project is quite low down the priority list for the RBI tech team.

In the mean time we are not that keen to take more of the tech guys time upgrading and adding to this board, when they could be working towrads the migration to our new website.

Now that was a long winded way of saying…
We possibly could see if your idea was possible, but we have other priorities atm which will hopefully bring more to the website

When re-visiting a topic, you are sent to the next un-read post.
It really saves time, boosts the read, and reduces the scrolling.

Simply click on the little page symbol with an arrow next to it at the left hand end of the thread title and hey presto, you’re taken to the first unread post on that topic.


Hey, that’s a neat trick Paul, never noticed that before but just to be a bit picky it takes you to the last post in the thread, not necessarily the last post not read.
Still useful though.

Ricci, thanks for your detailed reply!

Fully understood, maybe later!!


Hey, that’s a neat trick Paul, never noticed that before but just to be a bit picky it takes you to the last post in the thread, not necessarily the last post not read.

Well for me it takes me to the last post not yet read, always has done and I’ve been using it like that for as long as I’ve been a member.



Hey, that’s a neat trick Paul, never noticed that before but just to be a bit picky it takes you to the last post in the thread, not necessarily the last post not read.

Well for me it takes me to the last post not yet read, always has done and I’ve been using it like that for as long as I’ve been a member.


Yes, yes, yes, for me too :blush: :blush: :blush: , can’t think why I didn’t notice it the first time. :unamused: (age?).
I was going to use it anyway as a timesaver, Paul, but now I see it works the way you said - even better. :unamused: :laughing: :laughing:


Hey, that’s a neat trick Paul, never noticed that before but just to be a bit picky it takes you to the last post in the thread, not necessarily the last post not read.

Well for me it takes me to the last post not yet read, always has done and I’ve been using it like that for as long as I’ve been a member.

Me too, I use that method on a lot of the forums I use.

And me. :sunglasses:

BTW it doesn’t always seem to work, for example if there are a lot of pictures in a thread. Also I nearly missed a post after mine in the P&S thread today because it wasn’t flagged up. I looked anyway because I didn’t remember anyone posting after me yesterday. It may have been because that post was made after I had left the thread, but before I left the site.
As I said, a great time saving resource but needs to be treated with a little caution to avoid missing something.

BTW it doesn’t always seem to work, for example if there are a lot of pictures in a thread.

That’s a web browser flaw, the reason it happens is that the page loads first with just the text, the browser scrolls you down to the first post you’ve not yet read, and then when the images load it changes the length of the page and so you end up further up the thread than you should be.


Do you mean it’s a problem with my browser Paul, or with IE7 generally?
Mind you I wouldn’t be surprised if it was mine, have had a lot of trouble recently and the latest manifestation is being unable to access emails direct from the Wanadoo/Orange home page. I have to go via Outlook Express 6 which is still lurking in the background but is a bit of a pain with constant error panels and demands for passwords. :cry:

Do you mean it’s a problem with my browser Paul, or with IE7 generally?

It’s a general problem that affects most (if not all) browsers. I’m using a fairly old version of Mozilla and I have the same issue.
