Too many sub topics

This Forum has got too many sub topics on the Board Index.

The majority of sub topics are not used by most people.

Too many sub topics are diluting the interesting things that people have to say.

We all have limited computer time.

.The majority of sub topics are not used by most people.

You are right.

Most people when they post do so in the professionals drivers forum regardless of the fact there is a more appropriate sub cat. I see all posts anyway by using the view new posts button, so it doesn’t make a lot of difference :laughing:

where does this new post button hide I cannot see it. but then I mis most things in life.

hotel magnum:
where does this new post button hide I cannot see it. but then I mis most things in life.

It doesn’t hide, neither is it new.
You’ll find it right at the top of the TN front page, just above the list of forums, below where it shows the date and time.
There are three links there; View unanswered posts, View new posts, View active topics.


The majority of sub topics are not used by most people.

Maybe if you aren’t interested in reading threads about people who have had heart attacks, or who work in the USA, or who wish to post a photo of an Atkinson Borderer they used to own, then the best thing is to create separate forums for those folk so you know not to visit them. :wink:

Sub forums also enable easier forum searches so theoretically eliminating the need for the same question to be asked twice…snigger, snigger :laughing: :laughing:
Seriously though I run a forum (with a good team) and sub forums are helpful for categorising posts :wink:

This Forum has got too many sub topics on the Board Index.

The majority of sub topics are not used by most people.

Too many sub topics are diluting the interesting things that people have to say.

We all have limited computer time.

Allow to me translate this as i personally see it…

if we had less sub forums then everyone would have to look at what i have to say.

Which as things stand is very ironic.

Magic, just tried and the virgin media is having it, long last I no longer need a proxy server, I only winged half an hour ago :laughing: :laughing: