TONY530I Spotted maybe

Was that you heading Northbound on the M6 Saturday afternoon about 3ish at Shap.
I joined the M6 at Jtn 39 Northbound in a yellow trolley dolly and overtook, yes “OVERTOOK”
a white Cameron Young Scania.
Whoever was driving was just toying with me though, as he blew me bloody doors off at Southwaite.
Flash ■■■■■■■■ ha ha :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Was my truck but i was at home. Some other dirty smelly ■■■■ had it.

Was my truck but i was at home. Some other dirty smelly ■■■■ had it.

Was my truck but i was at home. SOME OTHER dirty smelly [zb] had it.

:laughing: :laughing: are you saying you smell aswell :blush: :laughing:

Wasn’t too sure whether you worked the weekends or not Tony.
I take it from your comments he left your pride and joy in a bit of a mess mate ?

Dirty ■■■■■■■ :imp: :imp: :imp: