Tomtom 5/6

I’ve done a search and didn’t find this on the GPS stuff :wink:

My question is, has any body used this mobile phone/GPS receiver system?
As a part time trucker and motorbike rider I am considering it because of the flexibility.
Before anybody starts, it will supplement my maps which I will never be without, but I have found when doing scaffolding delivery at sites which are too new to be on the maps, a Post code facility on the GPS sounds like a good help.

it depends which mobile phone you have for an of board system your looking at way finder

for on board systems and depending what phone you have your looking at tomtom, navicore or copilot or route 66

Yes mate

I am running Tom Tom 5 on my Nokia 6630, with a bluetooth GPS receiver.

Works perfectly and outperforms the 900 quid Kenwood Sat Nav system they have put in the trucks at our place.

PM me for more info.



Gordy, This is a good site about GPS systems … file=index