Today was a good day :-)

I had a solitary days agency work planned today AND it was a Monday AND rain was forecast.

Turned up at the hauliers this morning and it was actually a little 7.5 tonner that was just one week old, which made a pleasant change. Curtainsider with a tail lift, all I had to do was strap the five pallets inside, which took all of five minutes. Single drop about 100 miles away, which was essentially my days work.

Yep the rain came, but I actually had a nice day out today. Used cruise control for the first time ever, set at 50mph, so the ‘pedal to the metal’ truckers had ample power to get past me on the endless dual carriageway that is the A14. Very friendly and helpful at the drop, then park up in a layby for a hour with great views across open countryside. Get back to the haulier later in the day and the forkie tells me to just leave it where it is and he’ll sort it all out for me, park it up and put the keys away. I actually had a good day today. If only all days could be like this. :slight_smile:

It gets better though, sent a prospecting email off when I got back and guy was on the phone within ten minutes. Got an interview for a well paid permanent job in the morning. Looks like this might be a good week after all… :smiley:

Had a day in Newcastle, 8 hours 50 minutes drive time, I consider that a good day. Also did a drop at a private school, 50K per year per pupil!

nice one

And then the alarm went off

And then the alarm went off

Nope, it just after rushing around on tippers through the agency for the last few weeks, I’d forgotten what is was like to drive at a more sensible pace. :wink:

Agency didn’t offer me anything other than this ones days work when they rang on Friday, nor did they ring today with any more work for this week, so having an interview for a permanent job tomorrow, is the icing on the cake to what has been a nice day out. :slight_smile:

Sounds like a top day and good luck tomorrow,better than rushing round on tippers

Good luck, I hope it turns out well for you.

Puddle jumper…set at 50mph ?

Get them hours in !