To Whom It May Concern

In an e-mail to Bully, Lucy:

[Removed. Personal.]

The entry in the ledger book to which you refer regarding Truckfest
Scotland is indeed a cheque for £80 paid to a certain S.Andrews to
cover expenses.

The S. Andrews in this case was SUE Andrews, username suetimnotts, who
attended the show in her then capacity as Moderator of the Blue Ribbon
Campaign Forum. Danneke of Drivers and Family Helpline can confirm this,
plus I have the original cheque-stub and a fuller entry on the Bank
Account statement as documentary evidence.
The event was held in 2003, and the cheque was the first that I wrote
after taking over company funds. I did so on Rikki’s direct instructions

  • we hardly knew each other then.

[Removed. Personal.]

Obviously the allegations that you have made publically are both serious
and unfounded. I am therefore giving you 7 days to post a retraction and
apology before I am forced to make both this e-mail and the information
that it contains public in order to render the allegation harmless.

If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to ask. As I said, we
have NOTHING to hide.


The original allegation to which this post refers can be found HERE

The specific passage reads:

I have a share holders report showing expenses for me going to Scotland…when I was here living in the USA■■? and have only ever been to Scotland once in my life■■?

This allegation has also been posted on other locations on the Net.

As you can see by the e-mail sent above Bully was given both the facts and ample oppurtunity to withdraw the allegation. since he has not done so, we have no choice but to clear it up ourselves.

We hope that puts an end to the matter.