To the driver of the blue 03 DAF XF

To the driver of the above lorry on the tipping bay at the ice company in south Kirkby today I apologize for your container not being tipped as scheduled in the 2 and 1/2 hour time slot like I said to you. Due to said complications with an intoxicated work colleague and certain problems with said prick taking off with our equipment we couldn’t get the container tipped on time. :imp: over 4 hours for a container to be tipped takes the ■■■■ even in my opinion. Had it been me and my usual colleague it would have been done in less than 2 and a half hours for it to be tipped. Apologies for any delays it probably caused you :imp:

Probably not something this forum see’s but having had a bad day I thought I’d at least apologize for the one prick who let the team down. :imp: For once it wasn’t me :imp:


Jonny :sunglasses:

I was not my truck but i applaude you for posting this not many if any wharehouse staff would give a toss how long they make a driver wait well done

Never mind 2 1/2 hours !!! Its 3 hrs then you can get a reduced rest in.

Yeh any less than 3 I will give you a boloking and I want a cup if tea with out 3 off how can I get my 15

like I said to you.

Already said so what’s the point of the post :unamused: :unamused:

jessicas dad:
Never mind 2 1/2 hours !!! Its 3 hrs then you can get a reduced rest in.

Yup i have to agree with that one!!

I do enjoy a long tip though, the more time i get on the bunk the better. Close curtains throw Tv on make a brew call the office after 2 hours to get put on detention… RELAX!!

Some of the jobs we do are 8 hour tips, you really do make sure your fridge is well stocked on those days!

Funnily enough iv had the busiest day iv done on the containers today, managed to do 4 separate jobs and ran 3 emptys to container yards. Normally i do 2 jobs per day and a 1 or 2 shunts tops. Plus i had the fastest tip i think ever known to man!! opened the 20ft box there was only 3 pallets on there, 5 mins and i was on my way!!

christ im tired after all this work I even had to open and close the doors!! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: what a workhorse I am!


jessicas dad:
Never mind 2 1/2 hours !!! Its 3 hrs then you can get a reduced rest in.

Yup i have to agree with that one!!

I do enjoy a long tip though, the more time i get on the bunk the better. Close curtains throw Tv on make a brew call the office after 2 hours to get put on detention… RELAX!!

Some of the jobs we do are 8 hour tips, you really do make sure your fridge is well stocked on those days!


Oh yeah, dont apolagise for a long tip, but at 2 & half hours you’ll find me in the toilet, hiding :open_mouth: , to get to the magic 3 hrs. :wink:

Done your place a couple of times (wrong gate first time:( ) good tip for me.
Dont think my fellow residents of cherwell valley services were chuffed at me getting nine in on the way up though, reefer gennys tend to be a bit on the loud side!

To the driver of the above lorry on the tipping bay at the ice company in south Kirkby today I apologize for your container not being tipped as scheduled in the 2 and 1/2 hour time slot like I said to you. Due to said complications with an intoxicated work colleague and certain problems with said prick taking off with our equipment we couldn’t get the container tipped on time. :imp: over 4 hours for a container to be tipped takes the ■■■■ even in my opinion. Had it been me and my usual colleague it would have been done in less than 2 and a half hours for it to be tipped. Apologies for any delays it probably caused you :imp:

Probably not something this forum see’s but having had a bad day I thought I’d at least apologize for the one prick who let the team down. :imp: For once it wasn’t me :imp:


Jonny :sunglasses:

Next time try using more :imp:'s
I don’t think 4 is anywhere near enough! :grimacing:

Its always good fun having a leathered colleague at work, why was he inebriated?

Its always good fun having a leathered colleague at work, why was he inebriated?

Probably he couldn’t handle getting in the back of a container for 2 and a half hours so got hammered instead!! :grimacing: