To grass or not to grass, when it's dangerous?

No-one likes a snitch. After all, we’ve all done silly little things, like struggling with a tight bay or collapsing an entire railway bridge (see thread near this). But when it comes to dangerous stuff, that’s a different matter, right?

I followed a class 2 along the A44 in mid-Wales early yesterday. Single carriageway, lots of twists and turns, but artics manage just fine.

This guy was right in the middle of the road, doing between 25 and 30 on a 50 stretch. At one point he completely in the opposite lane, on a right hand blind curve, up against a rock-face so there’s no way he could have seen anything. Any oncoming motorcyclist would have been dead.

Then he met a class one coming the other way - ploughed on almost in the middle of the right! The other guy was blaring his horn, right up against the high rock edge, just squeezed through somehow.

This definitely wasn’t a case of “nervous new driver” - either this guy wasn’t licensed, or was on something, or had never driven a truck before. Certainly wasn’t using his mirrors to get road placement.

I’m sure I read the reg plate OK, because I had 20 minutes of following him before he pulled over, but nothing came up on the MOT checker or a google search for any combination of other letters it could have been.

When I checked the dashcam, sods law is that I’d forgotten to reformat recently and card was totally corrupt (as happens) and nothing had been recorded.

So I couldn’t do anything, anyway, but if you had the details, given that this could have been your relative getting wiped out by this driver, would you have grassed?

Tricky one this. The thing to bear in mind is that a driver not only belongs to the happy band of truckers, you also belong to the happy band of citizens. Then you have to have decide on the level of danger the idiot is posing. Risk assessment then, in modern parlance.

I only ever did it once. I was on a busy but flowing M25 one summer’s day and this Italian artic driven by a complete p sycho was weaving in and out of the lanes like a boy racer. Turned out he was chasing another artic (GB). When he caught up with him, he pulled diagonally across the front of him, completely blocking the nearside lane and proceeded to chase the UK driver round the lorry with a baseball bat. By this time the traffic had slowed considerably to allow rubberneckers to get their popcorn out. The UK driver managed to pull away using the hard shoulder. I immediately dialled 999 and reported the incident. Never heard a thing of course. And didn’t catch up with the warring drivers.

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thing is i doubt the police would do anything now. Only thing you could do is ring the company if you got their name but if you cant find the vehicle registered anywhere i doubt they will care.

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Ffs if you rang every firm day to day, whose drivers display the fact they are complete inept d/heads, (who just happen to have blagged a Class 1), you’d never be off the 'kin phone man. :roll_eyes:

I have only ever rang a firm once about a driver, and that was only because it directly involved ME.
A Stobart clown forced my newly qualified (car driver) daughter off the road, and she rang me in tears…
Even then I only rang them because I could not find him myself, after trying to do so in my car to sort the situation out with him personally.
And again even then, when I did ring, I stressed to them not to take it any further than a bollocking.

So no, I more than likely would not.
As said nobody would do anything anyway…no proof.
But mainly because I dont wear a black uniform and a tall hat…so it aint my job to.

Please dont come back with ‘But what if he had hit my daughter’’ …he didn’t,.and I’ve already covered that one.

Never been keen on grasses, informers, or general weasels who shop their neighbours anyway tbh.:face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

A little front and rear dash cam is money well spent. I’ve got a Garmin in my car (Amazon). Not cheap but it could (if ever needed) save a lot of hassle.

Grow up FFS. How old are you? “Snitches get stitches” is the kind of stuff CHILDREN come out with.

You claim you couldn’t do anything but had been following him for 20 minutes? Of course you could have done something, I’d have been on the blower to the police way before 20 minutes because that was definitely the style of driving of someone who is drunk or a diabetic having an episode. But then again I’ve not got the mentality of a 5 year old like you and Robroy have.


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Grow up you knob. You sure as hell would be wanting people to tell you or coppers what they knew about something if you were a victim. Funny how people like you always bang on about not being a grass until it’s you wanting to find out who did something that affected you.


Oh dear :joy::joy:
Being called a knob and a pillock by Conor aka the biggest unanimous well known ‘Knob’ and ‘pillock’ on Trucknet does not cause me a modicum or indeed a soupson of offence.:sunglasses:

As for growing up, you should take your own advice.:wink:

‘This’ folks is the well known part time crusader who has the law on speed dial during his 100 mile radius adventures, monitoring the unlawful and writing wrongs…a kind of poundshop robocop.:joy:

I’d have been reaching for the bell if it was as described.

Oooooh Matron.