At what point did we give permission for RBI to use our email addresses for spamming?

I also note that on the “Register” page, the “privacy policy” link doesn’t work. I guess you’re not bothered any more. :frowning:


If I had any idea what you were talking about I could answer…

fancy giving me a clue?

AFAIK the e-mail address’s held in the forum are not held anywhere else, This website at the moment is not hosted on RBI’s servers, and therefore no-one from RBI has access to your e-mail details.

To send a e-mail via the forum it would appear to come from UKAdmin@:Truck.Net. If has come from any other address then you must have entered your e-mail on another RBI website and clicked the "Opt In " button.

There will be a “ONE TIME” mail sent out at some point when we move from the USA servers to our own , this is because we will be implementing a “Opt In” policy and wish to allow those already registered the option to get some of the new features.

You guys are pretty popular and over the years I have had some very tempting offers to sell the e-mail list of members, I have always refused, and tried to keep the mass e-mailing down to the barest minimum.

Thanks for the heads up on the privacy link though… will get that sorted… (EDIT: the privacy link should now go to the right page)

i dont get any spam.

Sorry, just caught up on post-convoy stuff (diary to come, promise!)

I’ve just received my third (I think) spam from RBI - this time offering me discounted CM subscription at the CV show. Previously on 10th March, trying to get me to subscribe to MotorTransport. Can’t remember the first one; must have deleted it.

Since others aren’t getting them, maybe they’ve harvested my address from a competition form or something, but I’m usually pretty careful about ticking the “no spam” boxes…

Yes I get them too Mr. F. just didn’t notice it with all the other stuff which I tip out each morning without opening. I may not have ticked the box though. :unamused:

If you have somehow got on a RBI mailing list you can go to to be removed.

any problems with this drop me an e-mail with the e-mail address that you want removing and I will see it gets to the right person.

You should (imho) always use throw-away email addresses for signing up to things such as forums and other one-time registrations, then if you do get any spam you won’t even know about it.

Sites such as tempinbox and mailinator are two of my favourites as you just type in the address you want to use and that’s it - done. No signing up to do or any of that ■■■■ like you get with yahoo and msn.

Rob K:
You should (imho) always use throw-away email addresses for signing up to things such as forums and other one-time registrations, then if you do get any spam you won’t even know about it.

Sites such as tempinbox and mailinator are two of my favourites as you just type in the address you want to use and that’s it - done. No signing up to do or any of that [zb] like you get with yahoo and msn.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: