TM's what get your goat

like the question says, what get your goat

is it there planing or should i say the lack of it

is it there no it all attitude

or is it some thing else that really gets you mad :wink: :wink:

Donā€™t ever let them know when they get to you. I had one once who was driving me insane. I switched my phone off, the truck phone off and had a nice steady day. When I saw him later he asked why all the phones were off? I just told him that I had tried and tried, but I couldnā€™t think of a single person I wanted to speak too. After that, I only had to tell him I was fancying a quiet day and he backed off every time.

no planner in my office just an allocator he allocates the jobs and then hopes they get done,Couple of weeks ago i told him that its drivers like me that make it look like he can actually do his job,He were.nt impressed but the manager ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  himself :laughing: :laughing:

I have the best type of transport manager ā€¦ one I never see or hear from :smiley:

I have to deal with other managers sometimes but Iā€™ve generally found with managers that you get what you expect and I donā€™t expect much from them :wink:

Iā€™ve had a couple that were proper tossers, usually when they start at the firm after me, they come up with all these clever ideas trying to make a name for themselves, then they take on new drivers & they become his men, the old boys donā€™t get the better jobs etc. Not long after that the job goes down the pan & Iā€™m off.

A few years back one such clown said that we could legally get from Vicenza to London in two legal hits, true enough, but we werenā€™t leaving Vicenza until midnight on Friday, we had to be in London by 7am Sunday after at least 5hrs clearing customs in Dover, this meant driving all night Friday & Saturday, not so easy trying to sleep during the day without aircon in France in the summer, we soon put a stop to that & returned to the old way of doing it by following company instructions, we were to phone in once a day, seeing as though our day was now a night we couldnā€™t get an answer at the office, we had the TMs home number for emergencies, nobody in the office constituted an emergency in my book so guess who got a 3am phone call every night, it lasted for one trip, he lasted for two :laughing:

My TM now is called a Dispatcher, heā€™s an ex trucker & is the best Iā€™ve worked with by far.

Iā€™ve been a TM myself & I hope none of my old drivers are on here, I was a complete ā– ā– ā– ā–  :open_mouth:

I dont have dealings with them, as being on nights we have our runs (I supposedly do) and we all know what weā€™re doingā€¦
However the day drivers arent so impressed at the planningā€¦ :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

i actualy found the worst tmā€™s are ex drivers as they think everybody should go at the speed they went and they still think its 1980 and there no traffic on the roads, i dont have that problem now as the boss is on the road himself so he knows the score and leaves me to get on with the job :smiley:

Great thing about working for FedEx is we dont have TMā€™s . We are left to ourselves so long as all the deliveries and pickups get done. All in all I think i actually only ever see my manager around once a week, and even then its a ā€˜Hi! how are you today?ā€™ and ā€˜Keep up the good workā€™.

I did have one place where the TMā€™s were right [zb]'s. Always on the phone to you , normally along the lines of ā€˜Why havnt you got to ? Fred manages to get there earlier than you doā€™. My Reply was usually ā€˜Yeah but Fred only drives the Sprinter vans, youve sent me in an articā€™. TMā€™s really do my nut in most of the time :slight_smile:

We dont have a TM, just ā€˜Plannersā€™ :unamused:
Last week I get a call to go in earlier as drivers are either stuck or not making it in at all, so I roll up at 6am. Four units sat waiting so go for the keys to be told ā€˜cant have those cos they are now allocatedā€™ :open_mouth: New policy! My unit is on the road ā€˜up northā€™ and rolls in 4 hours later, whilst the other units are still sat sulking in the yard. The ā€˜brillianceā€™ of these people sometimes hurts :angry:

iā€™ve dealt with both extremes.
one bloke was a really nasty little [zb]. i stayed for the week.

another place, they had an import planner and an export planner, they were both extremely polite. in fact they were so polite it was strange, great job, but sadly the money wasnā€™t what we agreed, so i left.

the firm iā€™m with at the moment is prety much in the middle, no bad manners, you can have a laugh, you donā€™t get phone calls every 10 minutes. if something needs to be said, it gets said. a good balance.

what i do find annoying is. when you deliver to one of your usual customers and you can time the job prety well, so the planner gives you a job for tipping the next day, you tell him you will be tipped by 0930, it then takes him until 12.00 to make up his mind.

they do a difficult job, just as they think they have the whole day planned out, someone wants a rush job done, and you just canā€™t let him down.

Iā€™m either in mid-life crisis No 7 - or a developing a whole new outlook to life, the universe and everything. With particular regard to the interaction between me and ā€œmanagersā€ It manifests istself in my recent zero-tolerance policy, it also crosses over to my dealings with goods in clerks/security gate-monkeys and the like.

Iā€™ve become a firm believer in both Parkinsonā€™s Law and even more so, the Peter Principle

Parkinsonā€™s Law says that the workload will expand to fill the time available to complete it.

The Peter Principle is that people are usually promoted to their own level of incompetence.

Clearly, I would confess to applying both to myself :laughing:


we have to deal with ours a number of times through the day,and we have 4-5 that we can deal with at any given time,on the whole they are polite,and usually ask if you can do a job,and not tell.the only problems that arise are when they dont communicate with each other,resulting in a several allocators ringing you with the same info,and sometimes they live in ā€œdreamworldā€ where they have to be told NO.!