Do you suffer from TMJ.Tempro mandibular joint pain.Sypmtons are waking up tired,due to teeth grinding when asleep.Top of the teeth is a sign,if there is wear,due to grinding.They can fit mouth guards that protude the lower jaw forward.
I do, but it’s part of my MS - uneven muscle tone caused by the intermittent impulses coming through that part of the trigeminal (facial) nerve, particularly in the left side. No amount of dental tinkering will solve it for me, and holding my jaw in place just causes it to cramp in the opposite direction. Been happening for years with me, long before I got my diagnosis, and used to drive me nuts. Now it’s just one of those more minor and irritating symptoms, I’m afraid.
The point being that, as with all things, the cause may not be immediately obvious, so always check with your quack before jumping to conclusions and doing anything.
Side effects are tiredness and fatigue.I went to a specialist at Bristol Dental Hospital,said i imagined it and handed pain relief pills.