TMC antenna from Navigon to Garmin?

My Navigon stopped working, I bought myself a new Garmin, as I needed a full european sat nav quick, but the description was not clear - it said “free traffic in Europe” but it turned out, that it’s free if you are happy just to use historical data, if you want to use TMC as I am used to from Navigon, you have to buy antenna… 49.99. thank you, I will give it a miss.

But I still do have my Navigon charger, both devices have standard USB entry, so both have standard 5V 1A on output… The same fuse…

Now, the instructions say “use dedicated Garmin products only” but I guess this is just some marketing bs, I can’t see why I should not connect it to Navigon charger? Since it gives the same power on exit, the worst that can happen is that the antenna will not work and I will just have standard USB charge…

Or I am wrong and I will fry my toy?

I used one on the other, can’t remember which way round though. And it never charged. So I would stick to original bits.

I tried it, charges but no TMC signal. anyway, Garmin is pile of crap, using it is so annoying… I am back to Navigon :wink: