Tipper operator (help)

Ok I should read page 2 of this thread before posting.

JESUS CHRIST. :unamused:

Tipper junkie:
Please don’t insult me, I am just asking the questions. HELP not insults. I have just been playing devils advocate wth you all. (

Or you asked a question, didn’t like the answers you got and are now backtracking :grimacing:

btw, doing this from a company ip address wasn’t too clever either :wink:

dft.gov.uk/vosa/repository/G … 0Guide.pdf

Read page 4 where it details the ‘operating licence must be in the name of the operator who is considered to be…’

In short the owner/driver. If your an OO you must have your own o licence as ‘your mate with a Free slot’ is not the owner or driver of your truck. Plain as mud and in the VOSA document found with 1 click from google.

JESUS CHRIST. :unamused:

He won’t do- no CPC.