Tipper operator (help)

Tipper junkie:
Hi, I can not see why using some ones spare slot would make any differnce as long as they are ok with it, I have found know legal reason not to do this . ■■? :question:

It is completely illegal, and when you get found out both you and the bloke whose licence you are running on will end up in front of VOSA and he will probably end up having his licence taken off him and you will end up not being allowed one of your own.


Gotta be a wind up post mate you can’t be that stupid! after deliberate & systematic tacho/drivers hours abuse the thing TC’s are most vexed about is “O” licence abuse,enter the world of M’s Beverley Bell at your peril,you’ve been offered sound advice from people in the know,think on mate!!. Good luck in your venture you will need it :smiling_imp:


Result. If i was you id do it run on red private tax throw your tachos away and a bit of fly tipping you got nothing to lose. This time next year you will be a millionare.

Tower gate will not insure you unless you have an o license in place in your name.
Yes they will quote you. But when you actually go to insure they will ask for your o license no or they can see on their computer that you don’t have one anyway…
I speak from experiense…

Wrong…Towergate will insure you…

utter rubbish. you may get a quote from them. when it comes to paying for it and starting the policy they HAVE to ask you by law your company name, name of tm/cpc holder, and o licensee.

LMAO. :grimacing:

Another one off to the slaughter house.

Tipper junkie please keep us informed how it pans out, thanks.

i’d love to know if this was something to do with a firm i know in wrexham…nearly fell for that myself once upon a time

No true, belive. :wink:

It’s fraud, wish you the best of luck with it.

Tipper junkie:
No true, there is a guy that works at a ready mix company, not a national, is in his 2nd year as an O/D insured with Towergate (2nd year) & on a differnt O licence to last year as the first guy needed his place back. Not his own… belive. :wink:

[personal attack removed] what you suggest is illegal, will lead to you being banned from holding an O licence and anyone stupid enough to let you put your vehicle on theirs losing their business- the rules, while we complain about them, are there for a reason, and one is to stop idiots thinking they can just do what they want- and it is idiots attempting stupid things like this that now mean we are overregulated

Go away and give your head a shake, because this current plan of yours will only end up with you out of money and your mate out of business, Seeing as how your IP resoIves to a well respected and totally legal company, I suggest you talk to the transport manager about your plan. I also suggest growing up and realising that there is no short cuts.

Its that a bit too harsh? well guess what, its a hard industry- that doesn’t tolerate fools easily Most are decent guys who have done the job right and don’t take kindly to folks who think they know better but in fact know nothing


Tipper junkie:
No true, there is a guy that works at a ready mix company, not a national, is in his 2nd year as an O/D insured with Towergate (2nd year) & on a differnt O licence to last year as the first guy needed his place back. Not his own… belive. :wink:

Its not often I am this outspoken but you sir are an idiot

Ah-hem :

Rule 3 also covers Personal Attacks. Attack the post but not the poster.

If you can’t abide by the rules that you agreed to when you signed up, you know where the door is. :arrow_right:


Lol, we can all call him an idiot now. :smiley:

Result. If i was you id do it run on red private tax throw your tachos away and a bit of fly tipping you got nothing to lose. This time next year you will be a millionare.

:grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

Please don’t insult me, I am just asking the questions. HELP not insults. I have just been playing devils advocate wth you all. I am a legal operator & am trying to find the info on this in wrighting so I can present it to the manager of the comany I work for as we have one O/D on the company O licence which I agree with you all is no leagal. He has an unfare advantage on the rest of us all in that he has no cost with the o licence side of thing. He dose have his safty checks, but dose not down load his tacho card or truck tacho head, & the work shop records do not get past to the transport manager for in spection… sorry for missleading you all but I was trying to do it in a round about way :frowning:

Tipper junkie:
Not a wind up , sorry.

Having looked at your email notification addy, maybe I might beg to differ. :wink:

Tipper junkie:
I can not find this written any where so is it leagle ■■

No, it’s not legal. The Goods Vehicles (Licensing of Operators) Act 1995 s.2 says so, and since you’ve said:

Tipper junkie:
I am a legal operator .

Then a simple phone call to VOSA or your Traffic Area Office would confirm that it is illegal for somebody operate on another person’s/firm’s ‘O’ licence.

BTW, the person you’re calling “the manager” really should know the answer to your question already.

I’ll not insult you, but please say what you mean without the riddles, and please don’t take us for fools, because there are some very smart folks on here.

:bulb: Ahh, I see that you’ve met some of them already. :grimacing: :smiley:

OK fair enough “the truth will out” I had a funny feeling about your posts, why not ask the question in a direct way there many here who would be pleased to help as you must now realise, btw your “manager” should know better if it comes a tumble he will loose his “good repute” if he is company CPC holder he should know better.

Tipper junkie:
Please don’t insult me, I am just asking the questions. HELP not insults. I have just been playing devils advocate wth you all. I am a legal operator & am trying to find the info on this in wrighting so I can present it to the manager of the comany I work for as we have one O/D on the company O licence which I agree with you all is no leagal. He has an unfare advantage on the rest of us all in that he has no cost with the o licence side of thing. He dose have his safty checks, but dose not down load his tacho card or truck tacho head, & the work shop records do not get past to the transport manager for in spection… sorry for missleading you all but I was trying to do it in a round about way :frowning:


The realisation that you’ve left a digital trail is finally dawning, you want a way out and you think people are stupid enough to buy it.

Is this thread a wind up?

If not have a read of dft.gov.uk/vosa/repository/G … 0Guide.pdf

Section 1 - who needs an operators licence.

If you put your truck on someone else’s licence you are asking for trouble. You need a licence in your or your companies name.