If you’re still a bit rusty on your reversing and you find yourself making a delivery in a space/yard that’s not the biggest or in fact quite tight, use as much space as possible.
Add to the fact that your banksman might not know what he’s doing and might not know how a 40ft trailer is reacting to steering inputs.
Yesterday I had both where we were going to lift 22 tonne transformer units with our 150 tonne crane off some wagons. The class 1 drivers didn’t seem very experienced, nor did the banksmen knew what they were doing. Very frustrating for me to watch.
If you have to take a few shunts to get lined up properly, driving forward just a metre or two won’t make any difference. If you have the space, drive forward 10 or even 20 metres if you need to. Get out and look if you have to, several times if necessary.
Don’t create more work for yourself than you have to. Being an ex class 1 driver myself I was guilty of this many times.