Tied back curtains

during the strong winds this week i had to go over the top down the 62 towards manchester and was going to tie back curtains and strap roof down but was informed by our office that if i do and had an accident the insurance is invalid. :open_mouth: if this is the case could the police stop a driver and charge him with driving with no insurance :confused:

The people in your office must stand up when they’re on the phone otherwise their voice would be muffled by their chair :exclamation:

The insurance co would probably not pay for a new roof if it got blown off as a result of the curtains being open, but you could have a full scale demolition derby & they would have to pay out, curtains or no curtains :smiling_imp:

i left curtains closed and drove with very sweaty hands wishing i drove a flat bed. :laughing: :laughing:

Its the tighten curtain that gives the super structure its strength so roof could blow off and has happened before.

If you do tie the curtains up remember to tie the doors open as well, this helps reduce the risk of the rook being sucked off. (if you’ll pardon the expression. :blush: )


i know to strap the roof down but i was more interested about the insurance part :confused:

didnt know you could use a flatbed icky can you rope and sheet.

yes i can :astonished: but to much like hard work :blush: prefer to just strap the load then pull the curtain closed so when i park in liverpool no one can see my valuable load of scrap paper :smiling_imp: :smiley: :smiley:

why it sounds like you never rope and sheet :astonished: :astonished: mind i didnt say i was any good at it :blush: :blush: :cry: i think its a dying art nowadays :exclamation: :exclamation: dont see many sheeted up on the roads now :laughing: :laughing: