Thx a lot trucknet

thank you trucknet! i have been a member of this site about 5 years, i only asked about a link to terry\mals site and had my post deleted,pogue mahone!! u just lost another member. rikki delete my account (zb) cheers gasper.
edited for personal attack mm

They dont like you mentioning other websites its a business now you know!!!.

29 posts in 5 years, don’t know wot there going to do without you

I find this all very sad that it is TRYING to be run as a business and censored…

We hopefully are here to help our fellow truckers with information from wherever.

Ce La Vie…

(Such Is Life)


29 posts in 5 years, don’t know wot there going to do without you

But he may have been a prolific banner clicker and so earned the site loads of dosh, not everyone who reads the threads wants to post on them.


Joined: 14 Apr 2005
Posts: 29
Location: here
Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 8:12 pm Post subject: thx a lot trucknet

thank you trucknet! i have been a member of this site about 5 years, i only asked about a link to terry\mals site and had my post deleted,pogue mahone!! u just lost another member. rikki delete my account you (zb) cheers gasper.

you can lead a horse to water, but you cant make it wear stockings and suspenders,

14 April 2005 - 14 January 2007. Since when did this equal 5 years! :unamused: :open_mouth: :confused: :confused: :confused:

just editing the quote see reason above mm

does it really matter one ounce how long he has been a member?
any member of any website is or should be valued.regardless of number of posts. to many wannabees here giving there useless 2penneth worth.

i mean does a poster with 135 posts have more value with some one with say 5/1-/1200. no of course not.

so leave the guy alone and move on.

change of tune from moir i know, but lets stop the anti each others website brigade.its boriiiiiiiiiiing.

on the other side of the coin, what harm does it do to allow other related sites urls within a post?

does it really matter one ounce how long he has been a member?
any member of any website is or should be valued.regardless of number of posts. to many wannabees here giving there useless 2penneth worth.

i mean does a poster with 135 posts have more value with some one with say 5/1-/1200. no of course not.

so leave the guy alone and move on.

change of tune from moir i know, but lets stop the anti each others website brigade.its boriiiiiiiiiiing.

on the other side of the coin, what harm does it do to allow other related sites urls within a post?

I do agree with you Terry, if all the websites worked together, then it would be a happier place for everyone, i was just pointing out he couldnt count!! :laughing:

It was pointed out to this member that I would PM him the link he wanted.

The guidelines on links to other websites are very clear in the rules and have been there for a long time before Mal’s/Terry’s site existed . the rules were made because at one time we got spammed by adverts for other websites, and also friction occured between the websites due to their dirty washing being aired on here.

A request for the link to be PM’d would not have been moved, nor would the thread if active public links had not been posted.

i was just pointing out he couldnt count!! :laughing:

There were another set of boards before this one and the joined date under a member’s name only shows the time they have been on this version of the board. A lot of members were also members on the old boards. Judging length of membership by the date shown under their name isn’t accurate.

[if all the websites worked together, then it would be a happier place for everyone

Mmmn, like they way drivers always manage to stick together…


[if all the websites worked together, then it would be a happier place for everyone

Mmmn, like they way drivers always manage to stick together…

ALL the other trucking websites do stick together and dont mine mention aing other on each otehrs sites its just this one that doesnt.

ALL the other trucking websites do stick together and dont mine mention aing other on each otehrs sites its just this one that doesnt.

Really? He asked on Truckersworld and didn’t get a reply, according to him.

All sites have their rules about what is allowed and what isn’t, even LDF, 2 threads about the boss locked :unamused: