Those in-cab cameras

We’re getting them apparently. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
What are the legalities of the ridiculous lack of trust, nanny state contraptions?
It’s all very well banging on about ‘safety’ and ‘protection’, we all know it’s just an insurance thing, but legally, can we object to being monitored at work, even on our breaks FFS?

I always felt that cameras would be intrusive, but when I drove for a mob who had multiple cameras, including driver facing, it wasn’t that way.
Twice I was proven to have done nothing wrong, when someone complained about me and once I got busted not wearing a seatbelt.
The biggest annoyance was the gadget that monitors eye movement, in a bid to avoid drivers dozing off while driving. When reversing, the gizmo would detect that the driver was not looking forward, setting off a loud buzzer and violently vibrating the seat.

No idea about the legalities. Way I see it either put up with it or look for something else. If our place got them I’d be off elsewhere. Not just because I smoke when driving but I just don’t like the idea of them in general. And i don’t think my objection would make much difference to them being fitted :laughing:

Surely trampers don’t have to put up with them? Dunno…

Made me think of the Top Gear v8 rocking chair haha

Generally cameras in the workplace are legal so long as the company tell employees about it.

From what has been said here it is rare for them to work when the engine is off, but there is no actual law about that I’ve seen.

If you don’t like the idea, then you can object all you like, be it personally or through your union. Whether or not it’ll do any good is gonna vary company to company.

If you are a tramper then you should expect privacy when in bed etc, but having a coffee? I don’t see that as much of a real problem? I’m sure I’ve seen cameras in workplace canteens etc and never been worried by them, although others might see things differently.

Legality - apparently the employer can do whatever they want as long as it’s not blatant privacy violation (such as in toilet cameras) so long as they claim it’s ‘‘secure’’

They say the cameras are there ‘‘for your safety’’ ask your boss if he has a driver facing camera in his car and if not does he have no concern over his and his family safety

Also proving your non-guilt in a 50-50 accident doesn’t prove guilt for the other party so even if you can prove you were doing nothing wrong via driver facing camera it’s still going to be a 50-50

Ahhh Driver facing cameras my favourite subject in the job.:smile:

Nah dont concern yourself mate, they are put there as a token of appreciation by your firm …for YOUR benefit and to look after YOU…nothing else.
You will find a high percentage of your other drivers who have been told that and go on to repeat it, so that proves beyond all doubt it is true.

There are NUMEROUS examples of how they have protected many drivers apparentlly, and showed they were not to blame in various RTA scenarios.
Also apparentlly (and very surprisingly) virtually zero examples of them dropping you in the sh, or catching you out …because that is NOT the reason for them as I have already told you.

So do not feel aggrieved, or look.on them as a pi55 take, or an illustration of how your firm looks upon you, or in fact a blatant insult to your professionalism as a long term driver…just go with it like the rest.

And remember the mantra/motto (in fact I’m very surprised I am the first to say it this time on the forum😳)

I’m sold, I’m all for them me.:sunglasses:

So if some of these cameras constantly focus on eye movement or lack of eye movement, what happens if you wear sunglasses to drive in, (on the odd occasion that the sun is actually out). I know that a certain darkness of sunglasses are not permitted whilst driving, but surely the darkest ones allowed would affect the ability of the camera to focus fully on the eyes?

I would not bother my arse on that one mate, nor give it a second thought.

We have the ones that only go off during harsh braking or if you hit summet ( well so we are told but jury out🙄)

As for me I get a tad agressive and agitated if somebody even points a phone cam at me without permission…I hate cameras pointed at me directly…cant help it.

As for thr sophisticated ‘eye’ camera you mention, even my firm aint as bad as to have them, but I have a condition in my eyes since a small kid where my eyes do not react well to light, …which is why more often than not I wear sunglasses,…(so not just to look like Joe Cool :smiley:)
(No probs whatsoever in passing HGV medicals with ot btw)

I went as far as I could to cover my arse to keep the sun visor down at all times and got a Doctor’s letter so (both) problems have been solved for me.

Just wondering how these gaffers who have driver facing cameras fitted to their trucks would themselves like a camera 3 foot away from theirs nose ends watching their every move.

Like you robroy, I too know driver facing cameras are mainly for the benefit of the company, not the driver. Absolutely simple as ABC if a firm wants rid of a driver, view the footage, find some minor infringement, sack the driver, simple.

Yep but we are looked upon, and treated as all the same, or at least tarred with the same brush and treated the same as the lowest common denominator type of driver in the yard, and his quality.

This subject has been done to death, and the old chestnut of dealing with it by ‘‘drivers sticking together’’ over ■■■■ takes and unfairness always comes up, but…
They wont.
They dont.

So all the individual can do, who has a modicum of self respect, is try and make a crap situation as good as he can for HIMSELF…as with anything else in this ■■■■■■ job, and how it has became.:roll_eyes:

Apparently they’re not picture type cameras, more like night vision glasses. Even dark, reflective shades don’t defeat them.
As for smoking, hold the sucking end between the thumb and forefinger, with the rest hidden in a cupped hand. When taking a draw, make it look like you’re covering a cough.
Steering with your elbows, while rolling a f ag, is a bit harder to do surreptitiously. :rofl:

Are you a new comer to this game?
When you get a few more fry-ups under your belt you’ll be able to steer with your belly.

thing is as i have said before it doesnt matter if the camera proves you were doing nothing wrong at that time. 99% of the companies that have cameras are the type to sack you when you have an accident anyway.

The hands-free phone calls doesn’t upset them any more, it’s the hands-free jodrell that galvanizes them into action :rofl:

All my non-refrigerated tucker, pots’n’pans, barbecue and gas were kept in a dedicated dustproof toolbox, on the trailer. Besides, my belly isn’t big enough. :smile:

:sweat_smile: I had to Google that. :face_with_monocle:

I appreciate we’re being monitored almost everywhere we go now, I just don’t want a cemera stuck in my face watching me do my job. One of the reasons why I like my job is because I’m on my tod, I’ve got nobody breathing down my neck, and now I’ve got to have Big Brother scrutinising my fn eye movements. Call me old fashioned but… etc…
And yes, I’m looking for another job.
According to UK law, I just found out, the company needs the employee’s permission to film them, though I don’t think I’d get any Brownie points for declining their kind offer.
I’m a good driver, I don’t do anything dangerous or illegal at work, but I absolutely object to this barrel of bull***t.
How do we know where the stored film is kept, and how can we be sure it gets deleted - without being accessed by other ‘legitimate interest’ parties?
I don’t like it, and I’ll avoid it for as long as I possibly can.

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Do they record audio. As if im having a quite legal hands free phone call while driving .I don’t want anyone listening in to ir

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They do record audio of inside the cab and outside.