
Evening Gents,

What does it say■■?

It was just comments on some of the higher profile, better known UK transport companies, with well turned out fleets, and you were mentioned as being in that category. THIS is the book in question.

Cheers x

And so the story goes on, we are a US Trucking company which has followed the long running debate as to the way that Mr Thorburn has conducted his affairs in the UK trucking world, well to all those that should think they can give such an educated guess as to what when and how he should of been delt with, shame on you!!!
It does not matter where we are in this world we still get the I know best people and the cry babies that wish they where there but are just not good enough to be part of Thorburns history, trucking is a tough world and we ALL bend the rules to help our needs at the time, no matter how big or good we may think we are, I am sure there are a few companys that would of liked to see him wiped away? well guess what, he is back and here he will stay, as I said we have been looking at him for a while and all I can say is, you’ve seen nothing yet!!!
We are one of the biggest trucking companys in America and we are comming to the UK and since we have the funds and the contracts in Europe we intend to be the best that there has ever been around, so stop all the back stabbing and give your support to your fellow truckers as one day you may need a Thorburn driver to help you out.
As for Mr Thorburn, well sir it’s nice to have you back and I hope to see you soon!!

Irish USA:
And so the story goes on, we are a US Trucking company which has followed the long running debate as to the way that Mr Thorburn has conducted his affairs in the UK trucking world, well to all those that should think they can give such an educated guess as to what when and how he should of been delt with, shame on you!!!
It does not matter where we are in this world we still get the I know best people and the cry babies that wish they where there but are just not good enough to be part of Thorburns history, trucking is a tough world and we ALL bend the rules to help our needs at the time, no matter how big or good we may think we are, I am sure there are a few companys that would of liked to see him wiped away? well guess what, he is back and here he will stay, as I said we have been looking at him for a while and all I can say is, you’ve seen nothing yet!!!
We are one of the biggest trucking companys in America and we are comming to the UK and since we have the funds and the contracts in Europe we intend to be the best that there has ever been around, so stop all the back stabbing and give your support to your fellow truckers as one day you may need a Thorburn driver to help you out.
As for Mr Thorburn, well sir it’s nice to have you back and I hope to see you soon!!

Its posts like this that make my forum reading such a pleasurable experience. Whereabouts in Ireland do you come from? :smiley:

Some speech Sir, your company must be big, but r you big enuff to take on the likes of Betz,Dentressangle,Stobart, the 3 big players I would say on European roads today?

Are you irish or Irish descent ? Anyhow Céad Míle Fáilte!


Irish USA Be warned! PIE invested & lost a few million dollars some years back.They had no idea of the strangulating rules & regs of the TIR game or the extreme rate cutting that went on.Before you come to the EU Zone get yourself a solid market research report. With the British government its almost illegal to make money out of trucks. Their idea is to turn us into a super race of hedge fund managers & let foreign countries manage all the transport .

Hello All, yes we are aware about these major players. We have over 21,000 trailers and 12,000 tractor units plus we have 3,000 contractors to our fleet, we turn over 100,s of millions each year and keep on growing but we do not rate cut, you are given a price take it or leave it!!
We hold market share in a lot of distribution in the USA and already own five trucking companys in Europe, a lot of goods produced in euroland are owned buy US companys and we are work with a lot of them, in the end the idea is to make money without killing of the small guy!
We need to have an attitude that keeps us thinking as one and not fight between us to try and get a point over, it just makes the industrie look bad and then we deserve the kick in the ■■■■! We encourage our drivers to give us better ideas so they feel part of the company and reward them when we adopt it, it’s not all take, take, take. I feel some of your transport could adopt the same idea and you will probably get better results, as I would be nothing without the people that work for me, I could just be another joe if it all went wrong and I value there hard work that has put me where I am. Thanks.

Irish USA:
Hello All, yes we are aware about these major players. We have over 21,000 trailers and 12,000 tractor units plus we have 3,000 contractors to our fleet, we turn over 100,s of millions each year and keep on growing but we do not rate cut, you are given a price take it or leave it!!
We hold market share in a lot of distribution in the USA and already own five trucking companys in Europe, a lot of goods produced in euroland are owned buy US companys and we are work with a lot of them, in the end the idea is to make money without killing of the small guy!
We need to have an attitude that keeps us thinking as one and not fight between us to try and get a point over, it just makes the industrie look bad and then we deserve the kick in the ■■■■! We encourage our drivers to give us better ideas so they feel part of the company and reward them when we adopt it, it’s not all take, take, take. I feel some of your transport could adopt the same idea and you will probably get better results, as I would be nothing without the people that work for me, I could just be another joe if it all went wrong and I value there hard work that has put me where I am. Thanks.

Stop it !!! You’ve just made me spill my drink on my keyboard. :grimacing:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Now THIS I can’t wait to see…

Will you be limiting the trucks to at least 13 mph below the legal limit to give the in house “Trained” drivers a chance to keep them on the wheels ■■?

and when that fails will you carry your own insurance because no one else can afford to insure you ■■?

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

yeah seen em all before - penske, c.h.robinson and EGL to name but a few, they all talk the talk as septics are good at, but fail to do much walking :laughing:

if its J B HUNT then the agencies will love them as they cant keep drivers :smiley: :smiley:

One thing you can say for the Yanks, they have the teamster union and seem to look after their own rather than over here where it’s pretty much every man for himself. US truckers seem to have a better lot than UK ones.

I would say American firms over here would choose a patriotic transport company over a foreign one, just look at Mcdonalds, a well known chilled operator thought it was a shoe in, then Keystone got the job at the last minute because they do all the US work, I bet they weren’t cheaper!

already own five trucking companys in Europe

Any clues as to who these might be ?

Some speech Sir, your company must be big, but r you big enuff to take on the likes of Betz,Dentressangle,Stobart, the 3 big players I would say on European roads today?

i wouldn’t have put stobarts in the top three in europe not by a long way,
have giraud gone pop then?

Thank heavens the “old boys” didn’t have the attitude some of todays drivers have…

Middle East … we wouldn’t have made it to the East midlands

a silly statement really, different times, different rules.

well done to thorburns for keeping your lads on the payroll while this business was sorted, and congratulations on getting your o license back,
but please less of the whiter than white, it was the drivers fault excuse, anybody who has done europe knows how thorburns used (and i mean used) to run, and that is off someone who used to run the same way.
good luck for the future.

Irish USA Be warned! PIE invested & lost a few million dollars some years back.They had no idea of the strangulating rules & regs of the TIR game or the extreme rate cutting that went on.Before you come to the EU Zone get yourself a solid market research report. With the British government its almost illegal to make money out of trucks. Their idea is to turn us into a super race of hedge fund managers & let foreign countries manage all the transport .

and whats wrong with that,give me french,german,belgian management anytime to british management crap 95% could not manage a push chair.

,Warrior "give me french,german,belgian management anytime to british management "
I agree ,but the above mentioned don’t have governments that are out to destroy them every time they move a wheel.


well done to thorburns for keeping your lads on the payroll while this business was sorted, and congratulations on getting your o license back,
but please less of the whiter than white, it was the drivers fault excuse, anybody who has done europe knows how thorburns used (and i mean used) to run, and that is off someone who used to run the same way.
good luck for the future.

thank you the best reply ive read.

Will never happen , one look at the price of FUEL and they will get the 1st flight back to the states lol :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Irish USA Be warned! PIE invested & lost a few million dollars some years back.They had no idea of the strangulating rules & regs of the TIR game or the extreme rate cutting that went on.Before you come to the EU Zone get yourself a solid market research report. With the British government its almost illegal to make money out of trucks. Their idea is to turn us into a super race of hedge fund managers & let foreign countries manage all the transport .

and whats wrong with that,give me french,german,belgian management anytime to british management crap 95% could not manage a push chair.

:open_mouth: what
are you a fan of nostalgia