
good luck next week with the tc wally. when you do get back on the road how about celebrating by buying a scania longline? :laughing:

you all finished ■■■■ kissing now? :unamused:

get stuffed

you all finished ■■■■ kissing now? :unamused:

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Offering best wishes to a colleague in the same industry is “kissing ■■■■” now then… :unamused:
Having people with that attitude in this industry is perhaps why it has the reputation and problems it has ?.
Congratulations on perpetuating the self destructive image we have already…

Good luck with the licence Wally… :smiley:

you all finished ■■■■ kissing now? :unamused:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

PMSL, Straight to the point… :laughing: :laughing:

I agree with monty.

It’s about normal for someone to think that. Having had to appear before the TCs before over utter nonsense, I can understand the situation. Months of worry because someone stirred the pot, or some jumped up little hitler of an inspector doesn’t have any idea of reality.

You, jj, clearly don’t. Yet you comment with such enthusiasm. What’s the matter? Wouldn’t Thorburns give you a job?

They have always been smartly turned out and instantly recognisable. I could never get my trucks to look that good, let alone stay looking that good.

Now they have problems and you mock. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Exactly Bob having been in the same circumstance myself I to ca sympathise with Wally. In my case it was not due to any pressure being put on any one but the actions of drivers who were determined to out do each other and look good to me. Why , because there was a decent new motor coming and they wanted it :open_mouth: :open_mouth: . Of course being as they all had better ones than me, guess who was getting it regardless of there juvenile “■■■■ KISSING” antics :unamused:
The shame being they were normally totaly great guys :unamused: who I had to get rid of because of this… :unamused: :unamused: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

Well i never have had anything to do with Wally and his buisness and prob never will cos i don’t live anywhere near his base ,But i do wish him and his buisness a good future, Remembering that if he loses his bid for the licence some good drivers would be out of work also and some decent looking “proper” trucks will be off the scene.
Now that ain’t ar** licking cos i won’t benifit its just plain old not wanting to wish bad on anybody just like most of the posts here.
So jj72 put your handbag away and just get on with life to many other things to worry about man.

…■■■■ kissing…

bloody funny :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Good luck Wally, there some right rogue drivers about. Let me guess, these drivers where exceeding their driving hours, not keeping proper records, speeding and not taking sufficient breaks? I know, the TC’s hear lots of similar cases every month where unscrupulous drivers put their hard working bosses out of action, it makes you wonder who’s in charge. Get some Poles in Wal, thats the way to go, they offer cost effective solutions to drivers hours management . I’d say your motors where nice but i only ever seen the arse end of them, but i’m sure they are nice.

some of you lot haven’t got a clue have you? (sounds like a few failed bosses here too :unamused: ) to get an o licence you make an undertaking to keep control of your employees - it doesn’t matter how good a truck looks if it’s competing unfairly with LEGAL operators and is a danger to road safety to boot, twarts

some of you lot haven’t got a clue have you? (sounds like a few failed bosses here too :unamused: ) to get an o licence you make an undertaking to keep control of your employees - it doesn’t matter how good a truck looks if it’s competing unfairly with LEGAL operators and is a danger to road safety to boot, twarts

True jj72 you do undertake that responsibility. However it is only possible to correct the drivers offence after you see he has made it and as we all know not every offence is immediately detectable on the tachograph :wink: .
should you spot that offence and reprimand the driver, the offence stays on record for 12 months. Then throw in a few complaints by jealous and unsuccessful operators/drivers who despite undercutting cannot get the “good” work away from you. Vosa is now obliged to get off its ■■■ and comb through your records and hey presto what do they find.

The complexities governing the industry make it dificult to maintain a tight ship and guess what ? . The weakest link in the chain is usualy the driver. Who is the one that gets a Vosa tug because he couldn’t be bothered to change that blown bulb or open the trailer yet again and argue with the forkie to take that slight overload off. Or the one who never walks around the vehicle thoroughly before setting off and noticeing the low tyre,blown bulb or missing number plate or worse still sees them and does nothing.Or can’t be arsed to fill in a defect form properly every morning. And I am sorry but show me a driver who does everything perfectly and has done every single shift of his working life and I’ll show you a liar.

Maybe the complaints come from some unhappy driver in his fleet heap who, because a “shiny” powerhouse passed him on a bank tells all his pals and any other idiot who will listen about how "he knows how bent that company runs " and thus the rumour mill begins to turn :unamused: How many times when someone posts a picture of a shiny lorry or asks advice on someone with decent kit on here do we get “I heard they were a 200 quid a week and tin of polish brigade”. True sometimes but not always. ““Could it be that the people who drive those shiny lorrys geta better wage than me in my flat top fleet heap”” bitter me …never!!! There are also a minority of drivers who if you give them top equipment take it upon themselves to run bent because “in this kind of motor you have to/ are expected to” even when plainly told not to or pushed to do so.Not to mention the ones who do it to ensure they get a shinier motor !!!. These drivers all exist and we all know a few of them I suspect. :wink:

So throw a few of the above together and all of a sudden you are a “rogue operator”. Believe me it happens and if you don’t believe me ask at least one of the guys above who I know was a successful operator like myself.

Oh and by the way most of the rogues I have worked for (and thats a few) run the plainest equipment…

jj72 just wonderiing if you have had dealings with wally or his company?, if you have then why not air your grievences on here?.

For JJ72

Firstly, let me tell you this. After having 9 drivers gassed, one driver left by the French police to walk 2km back to his wagon in his bare feet and shorts, and one driver who has been off for over 12 months because of an attack, I will encourage every single one of my drivers to put his safety first. Its bad enough in the UK, but you literally take your life in your hands once you get into Europe, This does not make me a ‘rogue’ operator. It makes me a conscientious employer who actually gives a ■■■■ about his staff, and we are certainly not getting an unfair advantage over any other international hauliers. These drivers arent putting anybodies lives at risk by having to drive an extra 10 minutes to find secure and safe parking, they are just protecting themselves.

How do you justify to these drivers families ‘Oh Im sorry, your husband was stabbed to death in a lay by’ because rules say they have to stop regardless.

Do you operate vehicles abroad? Have you or anybody you work with ever been attacked?

We will back any driver to the hilt who puts his safety, the safety of the vehicle and the safety of the load foremost. We are not talking hours here, but minutes and if people get their licence’s revoked because of this, then the whole licencing system should be under inquiry for having total disregard for peoples lives.

The next TC’s job that becomes available in your area, I suggest you apply for it because you certainly tick all the correct boxes.

Jeanette Thorburn

The next TC’s job that becomes available in your area, I suggest you apply for it because you certainly tick all the correct boxes.

well said

For JJ72

Firstly, let me tell you this. After having 9 drivers gassed, one driver left by the French police to walk 2km back to his wagon in his bare feet and shorts, and one driver who has been off for over 12 months because of an attack, I will encourage every single one of my drivers to put his safety first. Its bad enough in the UK, but you literally take your life in your hands once you get into Europe, This does not make me a ‘rogue’ operator. It makes me a conscientious employer who actually gives a ■■■■ about his staff, and we are certainly not getting an unfair advantage over any other international hauliers. These drivers arent putting anybodies lives at risk by having to drive an extra 10 minutes to find secure and safe parking, they are just protecting themselves.

How do you justify to these drivers families ‘Oh Im sorry, your husband was stabbed to death in a lay by’ because rules say they have to stop regardless.

Do you operate vehicles abroad? Have you or anybody you work with ever been attacked?

We will back any driver to the hilt who puts his safety, the safety of the vehicle and the safety of the load foremost. We are not talking hours here, but minutes and if people get their licence’s revoked because of this, then the whole licencing system should be under inquiry for having total disregard for peoples lives.

The next TC’s job that becomes available in your area, I suggest you apply for it because you certainly tick all the correct boxes.

Jeanette Thorburn

If you’re gonna try that line with the TC, kiss your licence goodbye!!! You could always try the “we had staff problems and we had the cleaner monitoring drivers, and they took advantage of her”, that might work better i think. Quite a few have tried that one before !!!

WHAT IS IT ,when ever a firm has smart wagons ,well turned out
drivers, we all start to use a AXE to try and chop the firm into FIREWOOD;
CURRIES; and a fewe more that i or others would post,
IF the driver due to some bloody unfortunant mishap, has to
go over his time for safety reasons or personal reasons, this
is catered for by the rules, and as long as its not a regular
occurrance,and the driver has carried out the correct procedure
then it should be excepted,I agree with the young ladys post and her
backing of the drivers,The transport manager or the Driver can
plan as much as they want.but you DO get ACTIONS HAPPENING
that can not be avoided like ,stuck in a traffic-jam 4-5hrs
due to the road being closed,
SORRY as stated the safety aspect is first and foremost,
and WOULD YOU LIKE TO TELL some one that their husband OR wife
is not comeing home ,

Perhaps ““ALL”” the transport companys could approach the
licening office and ask , how can we record ,why this has happened
with a written a staement from the driver explaining plus entering
relative facts that can substantiate why the driver carried out
those actions, JUST a thought but they can only say NO or YES:

im with mike on this one…

i was attacked on the a1 and had my diesal pinched but did i have a year off sick…


i was back in the saddle next day. i had a good whinge about it but put it down to experiance and took care of where i parked.

instead of your drivers running on for "10 mins " why not plan their journey better and stop a little bit earlier.

jj72 … i agree with you. :wink:

to all the “ANGELS” on here i suggest you go back to your fluffy white clouds and let the rest live in the real world.i’ve never heard so many muppets and as for planning your journeys better how about if you haven’t been down that road before or have all you tom tom jockeys got that built in!!! PATHETIC!!!

Personaly I never ran to the minute,
I had an idea of where I wanted to get to in a certain night, and headed for it, if it was getting close and I might not make it 30 minutes before my time was up i would start to look for alternatives.

Did I ever run over my time?.. yes, but it was always marked on the back of the chart with the reason and it was never a regular occurence.

If a route can be run in 9 hours driving, then allowing only 9hours to do it is going to lead to drivers regularly going over their time to reach the destination as there are so many variables out on the road that can screw it all up.

I know from past companies that many drivers will “push on” to reach a favourite ■■■■■■■■■■■■, or meet up with a couple mates for the night, Is that the companies fault? NO… but it IS the companies responsibility, unless the company makes it 200% clear that drivers are NOT to run to the absolute limit and beyond to reach somewhere then they are guilty of not keeping their drivers within the law (once or twice is forgivable, allowing it to happen week in week out isnt)

I dont know the FACTS in this case , and will make no judgement on Thorburns until the case is heard. But just saying its all down to the drivers doesnt wash, the company has a responsibility too

brit pete:
WHAT IS IT ,when ever a firm has smart wagons ,well turned out
drivers, we all start to use a AXE to try and chop the firm into FIREWOOD;
CURRIES; and a fewe more that i or others would post,
IF the driver due to some bloody unfortunant mishap, has to
go over his time for safety reasons or personal reasons, this
is catered for by the rules, and as long as its not a regular
occurrance,and the driver has carried out the correct procedure
then it should be excepted,I agree with the young ladys post and her
backing of the drivers,The transport manager or the Driver can
plan as much as they want.but you DO get ACTIONS HAPPENING
that can not be avoided like ,stuck in a traffic-jam 4-5hrs
due to the road being closed,
SORRY as stated the safety aspect is first and foremost,
and WOULD YOU LIKE TO TELL some one that their husband OR wife
is not comeing home ,

Perhaps ““ALL”” the transport companys could approach the
licening office and ask , how can we record ,why this has happened
with a written a staement from the driver explaining plus entering
relative facts that can substantiate why the driver carried out
those actions, JUST a thought but they can only say NO or YES:

Pete i respect your experience and advice most of the time but sometimes you go off on a tangent!! I/you don’t know about Thorburns circumstances but i’d like to reply to the points you raised concerning other matters.
Who’s chopping the above named companies with an axe? I’ve worked for Stobarts i think they are an excellent company. Curries? Lets just say i’ve done the run to Stranrarer, enough said. I don’t know about the others.
Then you go off on the ‘driver saftey’ thing. It all sounds very emotional using an excuse that a driver may get harmed as an outright excuse for flouting the law .There is provision in the drivers regs (a bit more leeway with a reefer as well) for departing from the driving regs. (i.e going over your driving time etc.). You can write it on the back of your chart, that actually answers your last point as well. You really think someone is up before the TC for a few minor minutes infringements? Not every tree falls with an axe Pete, some just get old and fall over.