Think I've been caught

if you do get a notice of intended prosecution through the post you get the option of a safety awareness course, it is £110 pounds for about 3 hours, it is actually a good crack,i thouroughly enjoyed it,it may sound a lot of money but the fixed penalty is now £100 pounds and three points,you may lose a days pay but write that off and accept the safety awareness course cos at the end you get no points,forgot to say it was £110 pounds for me but it can be cheaper, good luck, PS you also get tea and biccies laid on,so all in all not bad

I got flashed two months back on a68 southbound just as i entered a village, Lauder i think.It was at 1am and i was doing 40 in a 30, but i still have not heard owt.

Question about the Camera Vans. (sorry if it’s a stupid one :blush: )
Do they record your speed immediately as they see you or, is there a minimum distance between them and you involved before they can clock you?
I saw one on the A9 yesterday when there was nothing in front of me (I usually stick to 40 but I was on Friday speed limits :unamused:) as soon as I saw him I backed off to 40 but wondered if I was too late.

I got done for doing 47 on the flyover A63, Clive Sullivan Way, coming out of Hull, back in May this year. :imp:

‘Scamera’ was on the chevrons between the slip road & the duel carriage way. couple of weeks later I got the dreaded notice that you have to admit to, with a note explaining that I ‘Might’ be offered a speed awareness course, sent it back & a couple of weeks after that, the ‘Nice’ people from Hull offered me a Speed Awareness Course & I could choose the venue (not have to go all the way to Hull). :unamused:
I managed to find one 2 miles from my house, on a Sunday morning, (I think it was 4 hours) £95, no points & you don’t have to tell your insurance, as the courses are internal to the police & they don’t record it for insurance Scammers. :wink:

It was interesting, with about 25 people on it & only around 2 or 3 were wagon drivers, opened my eyes to how many car drivers are not even aware how much room a Lorry needs or the blind spots or speed limiters. Wound one bloke up when the ‘Teacher’ asked what our pet hates were & I said Audi & German Car drivers :laughing: followed by a list as long as your arm-London, Late Breakers, slip road slow’ies, Catthorpe, etc-etc.


This information is worth what you paid for it :stuck_out_tongue:

I ‘think’ there is a minimum distance, for some reason 300 metres is ringing in the back of my head… A few weeks back I was on a lovely, wide, empty single carriageway running on the limiter and didn’t see a camera van until I was (it felt) virtually on top of him when I hit the brakes (there was nobody behind me), and I’ve heard nothing…

The one time I’ve been caught speeding was by a mobile van and it was in plain sight for a good half a mile as I was driving 40 in a 30, but for some reason I just failed to see it and drove straight on through. All times when I’ve spotted them and braked, never heard anything…

Lincoln Showground one pinged me at 47 mph. Got a speed awareness course for that.

Got flashed meself earlier this week coming down from st boswells. Was doing 40 but must of just lost concentration briefly an let it run on. think it got me at 46 not gonna worry nor lay the blame elsewhere was my own silly fault :confused:

On the a15 this morning trucking on minding my own as you do when I was in a 50 zone doing about 48 I know slightly over 40 one of the [zb] gatso [zb] flashed but I can’t be certain if it did flash me or the car behind I’ve never had a speeding ticket at all the boss knows I told him as soon as I went back to the yard

If it was me do you think I’ll be offered a speed awareness course or is it possible that it was the car behind as I was almost out of the markings on the road

Any help much appreciated also anyone any idea how long I have to wait till I get shafted by the fine

I got caught on the A15 back in June doing 48 in a 50 zone, £80 and a speed awareness course better than points on your license somebody told me that some of the cameras have pressure sensors fitted in the road don’t know if that’s true.

going through London last week when a camera flashed as I went by I looked down at speedo and I was doing 31 in a 30, strange thing was it seemed to flash twice as I went past with unit then flashed twice again as back of trailer past im hoping it was faulty cos I cant do with points on my licence it gets my goat when people ask and you try telling them " I was only going one mile ph over the limit" and they reply in a mr bean voice " the limits the limit and shame on you".

I got flashed on the A90 in February, I had already taken the speed awareness course so had to take 3 points and £60 fine . the biggest kick up the arris came this week when I discovered my car insurance has risen by over £100 :frowning: :frowning: my own fault !!


This information is worth what you paid for it :stuck_out_tongue:

I ‘think’ there is a minimum distance, for some reason 300 metres is ringing in the back of my head… A few weeks back I was on a lovely, wide, empty single carriageway running on the limiter and didn’t see a camera van until I was (it felt) virtually on top of him when I hit the brakes (there was nobody behind me), and I’ve heard nothing…

The one time I’ve been caught speeding was by a mobile van and it was in plain sight for a good half a mile as I was driving 40 in a 30, but for some reason I just failed to see it and drove straight on through. All times when I’ve spotted them and braked, never heard anything…

OK, thanks for that mate, I’ll just have to wait and see. The last points were off in 2001, it’s not that I have been better than anybody else, it’s just that I’ve been lucky :smiley:

Some of the laser speed guns can be used at 1000 metres range (but they would need to be mounted on a tripod) … 201000.pdf

On the a15 this morning trucking on minding my own as you do when I was in a 50 zone doing about 48 I know slightly over 40 one of the [zb] gatso [zb] flashed but I can’t be certain if it did flash me or the car behind I’ve never had a speeding ticket at all the boss knows I told him as soon as I went back to the yard

If it was me do you think I’ll be offered a speed awareness course or is it possible that it was the car behind as I was almost out of the markings on the road

Any help much appreciated also anyone any idea how long I have to wait till I get shafted by the fine

I would say it was the car behind you got a picture taken of his rear which is what the gatso camera does so don’t worry about it. BTW I got done a few weeks back 59 on the A1 on a roadworks (50 limit). I always have the limiter set to 48mph but this camera got me at the bottom of the hill and I had not realised that I had picked up speed. Anyway just booked my speed awareness course £93. They offer you the speed awareness if you dod a speed that is the LIMIT + 10% + 9mph so in my case 50 +5 + 9 = 64 so I was within for the SAC. If you are over that but under 25% over the Speed limit you WILL get £100 plus 3 points and if you do Speed limit + 25% so in a 50 that would be over 75mph you WILL get automatic magistrates and looking at £250 + 6 points. Over double the speed limit just throw your licence out of the window because you have lost it

going through London last week when a camera flashed as I went by I looked down at speedo and I was doing 31 in a 30, strange thing was it seemed to flash twice as I went past with unit then flashed twice again as back of trailer past im hoping it was faulty cos I cant do with points on my licence it gets my goat when people ask and you try telling them " I was only going one mile ph over the limit" and they reply in a mr bean voice " the limits the limit and shame on you".

You’ll be fine, chances of you actually doing 31 because it says so on your speedo are virtually zilch.

I know curtains on trailers can trigger speed camera’s, I’ve had 1 flash when I was stationary next to it :laughing:

so its been a little over 21 days since i originally posted about the issue and nothing has been sent to the firm as far as i know of would it be fairy safe to say ive been lucky this time & if anything is sent out now as far as im aware its invalid isnt it.

PS this was the best picture of a GATSO i seen (not the actual gatso but effect is the same)

PPS yes i have become more aware of what speed im doing and do make a little more effort to stay within it

iv since bought a snooper ,old sr6 ,to buzz me if it picks up a radar gun ahead . iv got paranoid about bein caught lately.

Hi dafpower did u get off your speeding ticket/fine as I,m in just had the same happen to me on A15
Lincoln ! :unamused:

Did a load out of goole down to Lincoln and t.o bird said be carefull on a15(m180 down to Lincoln) as we’ve had loads of speeding tickets of late on that stretch,that was a few months .

iv since bought a snooper ,old sr6 ,to buzz me if it picks up a radar gun ahead . iv got paranoid about bein caught lately.

Just stick to speed limits, less stress & you get the added bonus of keeping your licence !


iv since bought a snooper ,old sr6 ,to buzz me if it picks up a radar gun ahead . iv got paranoid about bein caught lately.

Just stick to speed limits, less stress & you get the added bonus of keeping your licence !

Think I might have been caught today, and I DO NOT speed, even on SCL’s I do 40mph.

So, I was on the A483 heading from Wrexham Industrial Estate towards the M53, there’s a bit of a downhill.
I’ve got a loaded double deck, so weighing in quite high, hits the downhill at 48mph, notices it’s rolled upto 52mph even with the retarder working, so thought I’d drop a gear to get the exhaust brake to work harder, and between changes it picks up to around 55 - 56mph, and there he was, a galaxy in the layby with ‘Traffic Enforcement’ written on it and some camera symbols :imp:

I’ve no idea if I’m going to get a ticket or not, but I’m fuming, I don’t run on the limiter on duals or anything, yet by positioning themselves in such a place, they might have actually got me