Things you see!

Gotta love trucknet for some great topics!

This has made me chuckle… :smiley:

I did a storage job from a bulgarian knocking shop in Huddersfield last week, ■■■■■ and protection everywhere…

Got overtaken one saturday morning ont A1 by a minibus ferrying a hen party, as they came past they all lifted their tops and gave me a right eyefull :open_mouth: should of seen the looks on their faces when they saw my little lad riding shotgun :blush: made for some interesting conversation from a 4 year old :laughing:

My old man worked for a company from suffolk that ran some nice blue and white scanias. On the fuel run to belgium on friday night i used to join him for, we often used to see a car around colchester where the female passenger would be exposing herself to all the trucks to keep the drivers morale up!. Got to love flat floor motors so you can get over to the other side of the cab for a nosey when required! :stuck_out_tongue:

I had a mini bus overtake me on the Finchley Rd, London, a few years ago. Lovely Lady’s on the back ‘Mooned at Me’ :smiling_imp: (thought I’d died & gone to Trukin Heaven) So I Tooted my Horn & Flashed my lights. 2 miles up the road it was pulled over & it looked like the Driver was having a little chat to the Lovely Lady’s. :laughing: Funny as ‘F’

My old man worked for a company from suffolk that ran some nice blue and white scanias. On the fuel run to belgium on friday night i used to join him for, we often used to see a car around colchester where the female passenger would be exposing herself to all the trucks to keep the drivers morale up!. Got to love flat floor motors so you can get over to the other side of the cab for a nosey when required! :stuck_out_tongue:

Cruise control is not auto pilot - thank god for grooves in the road :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Before I was a HGV driver, I was PCV, did busses, coaches and mini-bus taxi’s, so saw and was offered everything, including lawyers getting out of their suits into suzy’s for Rocky Horror :cry:

Some things you can’t un- see.

I posted on here a few weeks ago about a fat bird in the passenger side of a car playing with her ■■■■■ on the M56 and then caught her up again at the Westinghouse roundabout in Trafford Park, didn’t know my truck could go that quick :open_mouth: :laughing: . She was a minger, but it had been a LONG day :wink:

‘… ever hopeful some bird with flop her bits out…’

I wish for pert bits - but will settle for floppy one’s too :smiling_imp:

Aim high & gratefully accept what comes, I suppose :neutral_face:

Especially around J.18-20 (?) N/B on the Mickey One in the hope of a repeat of a flash from the Peugeot passenger whose assets so burned their image into my retinas when they slowly drew alongside three or four years ago before ‘speeding’ (it was a shed) off.

Worth staying awake for, I say :exclamation:

M62 windy hill On a sunday night is when i seen quite a few sights brightens up yhe night a bit :wink:

you really want to do home deliveries, the early jobs can be a real eye opener :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Yeah, done a few of them, usually early. One in particular was on a new housing estate so ■■■■ nav wouldn’t find address, I eventually found it, knocked on door, woman comes running down stairs in a skimpy silk dressing gown :open_mouth: :open_mouth: Next day I got a phone call off another driver couldn’t find same address so I told him 20 mins later another call off same driver “What the bloody hell did you do to her yesterday, dressing gown was nearly falling off” I just replied storm in every port and all that! :laughing:

Many years ago on a winter night trunk to Bootle on a Friday night stopped at the pelican crossing outside the nightclub at 2:30am and -5c, a lovely looking lady in a ■■■■ tube and hot pants stops halfway across, grabs her ■■■■ tube and yanks it upward revealing her lady lumps and screams at the top of her voice in a mersey accent " Hey trucker, get a load of deeese"
Very nice I thought to myself and suddenly had an urge to check my wheelnuts :wink:

Also the bint on the A46 around Coventry who took great delight pulling alongside in her car and having a fiddle whilst completely naked with the internal light on! Could’ve had her :wink: