Things that sting and bite

Is it me
Wasps and some other nasty bugs have started to get nasty .

Was down the show at the B & W showground and the Wasps were on a mission :confused:

Had one just started its attack on me leg gave it a quick flick and off it went just as it stung, no stinger left in the leg but what a Bastered, stang like Billy O rest of the day and still itches now.
I normally have antihistamines with me but the were in the car.

I also hear horseflys are having a bite at people this year too.

Rise of the insects maybe :open_mouth:

i think your question may have been better directed as a pm to our resident stobart friday story kebab…at least he has pictures on his posts… :smiley:

I had a wasp got down inside my coat sleeve & stung me, I could feel something on the skin , but couldn’t get my coat off fast enough. :frowning:

I got bitten by my kettle 2 weeks ago , still off as my foot looks like this

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blue estate:
I got bitten by my kettle 2 weeks ago , still off as my foot looks like this

Get to the local A and E with that ASAP.Looks like a green nail and swollen toe ? together with wounds that seem like they aren’t healing.Which can be signs of Pseudonomas infection which really is a bug which is the work of the devil.Which as you’ll see on the Sepsis topic can turn very nasty very quickly and more than living up to that description.


blue estate:
I got bitten by my kettle 2 weeks ago , still off as my foot looks like this

Get to the local A and E with that ASAP.Looks like a green nail and swollen toe ? together with wounds that seem like they aren’t healing.Which can be signs of Pseudonomas infection which really is a bug which is the work of the devil.Which as you’ll see on the Sepsis topic can turn very nasty very quickly and more than living up to that description.

Clam down , all is fine as that was taken 2 hour after a nurse appointment at my local surgery , looks worse than it is