Thieves at beaconsfield services

Woke up this morning to police at side of cab, was asked if i had anything nicked, I Checked but nothing missing, but a little ■■■■■ in the curtain. A few had been slashed and one had lawnmowers pinched. There was me thinking it would be safe there.

Woke up this morning to police at side of cab, was asked if i had anything nicked, I Checked but nothing missing, but a little ■■■■■ in the curtain. A few had been slashed and one had lawnmowers pinched. There was me thinking it would be safe there.

Safe? Surrounded by other drivers? Haha.

Sadly you’re not safe anywhere nowadays, unless you’re locked in a compound with 10ft high electric fence surrounding you!
Fuel thefts will only increase in line with the cost at the pumps and load thefts are higher than ever due to the recession that I believe we are still in!

They are thieving gets in Buckinghamshire! Bloody hedge monkeys! :wink: