
Before I start, I must point out that I do understand that mods have a difficult and thankless task sometimes but I have to querey this.

In a recent thread (tipperdriver01) I refered to another member as a thicko.

Rightly or wrongly this was modded as a personal attack.

Now I know most of the times the mods add their initials or something to identify themselves so that the original poster can query the decision, however not in this case hence the post in here and not by PM (which I would have prefered. I don’t like airing “dirty laundry” in public)

I just have 3 questions

  1. I am curious to know who the mod in question was?
  2. since when the term “Thicko” became a personal attack? (I was very restrained in choice of words)
  3. If it is considered a personal attack, then how can another member on a different thread (How much to charge for self employment) can use the same term and not be modded?

Answers by PM please. I don’t want to turn this into a slanging match.
(this thread will be deleted once the “appropriate” communication channels have been opened.)

Your question has not been ignored.

We are still trying to get to the bottom of it.


Ok thanks.

I would still prefer PM when you have an answer to keep it private.

Still no idea at the moment. Unfortunately once a query has been made public the answer needs to be public too…so watch this space. To avoid that situation in future, just drop one of the Admins a PM instead of posting here. :wink:

In all honesty, I doubt we’ll ever get to the bottom of it…But from what I can gather, unless the insult was being used purely in banter (which it obviously wasn’t, since you say you were being restrained) I can’t think of any other reason why you would call someone a “thicko” except to insult them. So a justified edit. Context does matter, which is why it may have been left elsewhere - to re-iterate, we wouldn’t take out “friendly” insults, but just going by what you said in your OP, that was not the case in this instance. You attacked the poster rather than the post.

If you can see a similar usage elsewhere feel free to PM me a link or post here and I’ll either edit accordingly or explain why I haven’t.

Link received and edited accordingly.

Thanks Lucy

The situation has now been resolved to my satisfaction.

please feel free to lock this thread