TheTN Rule book

OK how many of the members have read the rules?

Now lets be honest here! your vote is a secret unless you want add something to this post.

Me well yes I have read them, but it was quite a while ago.

I’ve just posted pretty much the same thing on Lucy’s original rule-changing thread Ian. I completely agree with you ( :open_mouth: ).

No sorry :smiley: :smiley:

Arnt rules put in place to be stretched :wink:


Edited to say i have now sat and read the rules and fully understand i must sit and take everything that is said on here without having the right of reply… Again sorry i now know my place in the grand scheme of things


just read em, took about three minutes :open_mouth:
can’t beleave that some have actually got the front to try and tell the those that run the job, how they should be doing it, when those same people use the site everyday totally free of charge!
just makes me wonder how some of the morons who constantly complain would cope in the real world?

paul b:
just read em, took about three minutes :open_mouth:
can’t beleave that some have actually got the front to try and tell the those that run the job, how they should be doing it, when those same people use the site everyday totally free of charge!
just makes me wonder how some of the morons who constantly complain would cope in the real world?

You mean like - 'moved posts?, Feedback Forum - Paul?

Me too :open_mouth: :laughing:

Salut, David.

Having been shamed by the pungent remarks from Sheffield :blush: ,
I have just voted, yes, but reject the rider ‘because I was bored’. :angry:

I was very interested :sunglasses: :wink: :laughing: .

Salut, David.


paul b:
just read em, took about three minutes :open_mouth:
can’t beleave that some have actually got the front to try and tell the those that run the job, how they should be doing it, when those same people use the site everyday totally free of charge!
just makes me wonder how some of the morons who constantly complain would cope in the real world?

You mean like - 'moved posts?, Feedback Forum - Paul?

Me too :open_mouth: :laughing:

Salut, David.

fair comment :blush: :blush:

Which set of rules do you mean? ammendment 1,2,3,4, or 17?.

I cant be bothered clicking yes or no as its been so long since i joined trhe site i cant honestly remember if i ever did but every website i do join i just click yes and go in to it so i probably didnt read the rules.

Wot rules :laughing: