I have just tried to turn off my fridge pressed the off button as usual screen says off but nothing is happeing fridge is still going screen still says off long shot but does anyone have a clue how to sort this out maybe a reset of some sort ?
We have just one TK and that’s an old un but it has the off button on the panel but also another on/off switch-a lever switch which if isn’t turned off,the battery runs flat after a time.
As an aside and not much use,I seem to remember whilst on agency at Culina I used to open the door up and press some sort of reset button but that was 20 years ago and buggered if I remember how now.
Sorry can’t be much more use fella.
Try Disconnecting the battery and then connecting it.
Sounds like stop solenoid has stuck in the injection pump.If its got a yanmar engine in it give it a tap with an hammer or kink the fuel line.
Its to do with the THINGY that connects to the WOTSIT, but it can be bypassed via a phone call to the office, to ask them to call out Thermoking, olr failing that, the computer needs re-setting.