There you go again Rikki

I try to read most of what’s posted here and I’m sure I’ve visited the Carmichael thread, but can’t for the life of me remember what could possibly have prompted such drastic action. :open_mouth:
It’s so irritating not to know what’s been happening, bad enough that I can’t remember without you reminding me I can’t remember. :blush:
From the wording of your statement I take it that it will return sometime soon, and I for one will rush to view. :unamused:
It’s not a publicity stunt is it? You don’t have a personal connection to this outfit do you? :wink:

Salut, David.

It turned into a petty slanging match between several members in it’s later stages and after viewing it I have taken the decision that it will not be returning.

It turned into a petty slanging match between several members in it’s later stages and after viewing it I have taken the decision that it will not be returning.

God sake i never really took much interest in this thread and now it ain’t returning,so that mean’s i can’t get to read the gossip.Thank’s very much Lucy spoil sport. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

[i never really took much interest in this thread and now it ain’t returning,so that mean’s i can’t get to read the gossip.Thank’s very much Lucy spoil sport. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Couldn’t have put it better myself Kitkat, I don’t remember taking any interest either, but now - agony. :frowning: :frowning:
What on earth could they find to argue about in a photo forum :confused: :confused: ?

Having said that, some people do have a definite talent for RTD (_R_apid _T_hread _D_eterioration )

As if I don’t spend enough time in front of this evil eye, now I’m going to have to paste and copy everything. Nightmare :smiling_imp: .

Yes, thanks Lucy for sparing KK and myself from this cruel world :unamused: .

Salut, David.

Ditto the above!

I have just tried to look at the thread.

And dang and blast - I’ve missed all the action. If anybody can PM us the gist of it I’d be very interested! :wink: (Is that allowed - I promise not to mention it in public.)

I always seem to arrive after the event - the other day, a fellow driver tried to drag a clerk through the transport office window, and I walked in after it all finished! :frowning:

Must be unlucky. :laughing:

Just Rob being a wind-up merchant. :wink: :slight_smile:

Just Rob being a wind-up merchant. :wink: :slight_smile:

Well I never thought…

Salut, David.