There once was an ugly

I think the designers have really lost the plot with the latest trucks. The new Mercedes looks like it’s melting, the Volvo FH looks as tho’ the front of the cab has been grafted on from another model and the DAF XF well, not good looking is it . As for this new Renault, does the designer like off-roading because he certainly likes the chunky look.

Eventually they will grow on us …but most of the look is now down to getting max airflow through the cooling system due to EGR .Although the XF looks like the same truck to a larger extent it is radically different …Wider chassis at the front to accommodate the larger rad,which entailed a wider front axle ,cab is classed as new as it had to be modified to fit the wider chassis and was re crash tested,completely new rear suspension and new rear axle …grill now has a grill catch on the passenger door area ,that I don’t like ,preferred the old 2 catches,but if your a boy racer you can spec led headlamps lol

Too right 3 wheeler, she could teach me French any day of the week.

Different colour

The Magnum replacement is LHD only


looks odd as if something is broken /missing as the line of the door doesn’t follow the line of the step or possibly the other way round…cab looks as though it is partially tilted