There once was an ugly

wouldn’t look so bad if it was a nicer colour

I trust those slagging it off are owner drivers, and have no intention of buying one, or if your gaffer buys a handful you’re suddenly going to grow a pair and refuse to drive one because ‘they’re ugly’!


Better looking than the premium/magnum…

I don’t think the Premium does look too bad… :wink:

Is it just me, or does it look like a giant locust that’s about to chew your head off? Or I’ve had one too many maybe. :confused:

If you’re not paying for it, take what you’re given and be thankful, I say.

Bacon Sandwich:
I’ve seen worse.

used to drive a boxvan version of these on cotract to Baker & Soars, mates used to call it the breadvan :frowning:

i missed out the pic. of the BMC :blush:

the first few pics i saw of it , the badge wasn’t showing & i, like a few others genuinely thought it was a HINO, i don’t think this ‘launch colours’ are doing it any favours though . Would i drive it ? yes of course i would .

Pat Hasler:
Don’t knock that old BMC, they were the cream when they first appeared in the early 60’s.

That’s stretching it a bit Pat even through your rose-tinted specs… anyway cream goes sour quicker than the rest of the milk. :wink:

I’m reserving full judgement till I see one in the flesh. The only bit i cant get on with apart from the colour is the 2 vertical chromish bits on the front with the little horizontal bits coming in, I just think that could have been done better.

The launch site finally has a proper video on it now for those interested in the launch. There’s a lovely sort in a tight red dress and killer heels making the introductions. I’m amazed she didn’t fall over climbing the stage.

I think these new aerodynamic designs are uglier :cry:

I’m reserving full judgement till I see one in the flesh. The only bit i cant get on with apart from the colour is the 2 vertical chromish bits on the front with the little horizontal bits coming in, I just think that could have been done better.

The launch site finally has a proper video on it now for those interested in the launch. There’s a lovely sort in a tight red dress and killer heels making the introductions. I’m amazed she didn’t fall over climbing the stage.

Well thats it settled then, We would all take the truck if she would be our test drive in the cab bunk for the night. With those heels on.!

I think these new aerodynamic designs are uglier :cry:

they look like the sort of thing designers of the 50’s thought we’d be driving in the year 2000 !

is this the most hideous truck ever?

I think it’s not that bad, compared to the “new” XF it’s a beauty

but that might be just me then, I’ happily drive one of these as well…

My post was not about would I or not drive the thing which I would by the way it was about how ugly the thing is

The Renault grill looks fine compared with Volvo’s latest chicken mesh plus there is a nice panel to put your name on which you haven’t got on the FH. Eddie.

i’d drive it :smiley:

then again i’d drive owt

i’ve had holes in my cords since 1982

Bacon Sandwich:
I’ve seen worse.

I was running from the midlands to Dundee and Belfast in an FG when I started. And kipping in it too!

I think these new aerodynamic designs are uglier :cry:

that looks very familiar. im sure it was an alien in the first star wars film when luke skywalker was in the bar while hans solo was being recruited

Is it just me, or does it look like a giant locust that’s about to chew your head off? Or I’ve had one too many maybe. :confused:

You might have something there

that looks very familiar. im sure it was an alien in the first star wars film when luke skywalker was in the bar while hans solo was being recruited
