There is a god!

Passed my cat C yesterday.

Many thanks to all at Peter Smythe. They really do what it says on the tin!
Special thanks to Nick and Chris for their support and encouragement.
See you soon for my class 1. (Keep taking the pills lads!)

Thanks once again.

Well Done. Onwards and upwards. Now the real learning begins.

Yes and he goes by the name of Peter Smythe it seems :smiley:
Well done on the pass.

Thanks, much appreciated.

Congratulations on the pass buddy , taking class 1 soon or gonna get some miles on class 2 first ?

Going for class 1 as soon as I get my licence back.
In for a penny…

Going for class 1 as soon as I get my licence back.
In for a penny…

Good lad look forward to the diary :wink:

Congratulations on your pass, your choice of trainer is excellent I have to say :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: