Theory tests

Ive just booked my theory tests (online) after I tried to book on the phone and they told me it’ll be next week before I can do it - strange how booking it online Ive got it in 2 days time… :wink:
Anyway, how come we have to pay for both bits of the theory separately, last time I did it, it was all included in one booking :confused:

Ive just booked my theory tests (online) after I tried to book on the phone and they told me it’ll be next week before I can do it - strange how booking it online Ive got it in 2 days time… :wink:
Anyway, how come we have to pay for both bits of the theory separately, last time I did it, it was all included in one booking :confused:

They split it when both tests were made longer - they increased the number of questions and the number of HPT clips.

Downside - longer tests and cost more
Upside - fail one and only that one needs to be retaken - not both

Good luck with you theory.

Guess what, I only went and passed my theory test :laughing:
92 out of 100 on the multiple choice :open_mouth:
75 out of 100 on the hazzard perception bit :laughing:
Bring on the trumpets :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Guess what, I only went and passed my theory test :laughing:
92 out of 100 on the multiple choice :open_mouth:
75 out of 100 on the hazzard perception bit :laughing:
Bring on the trumpets :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

not got trumpets - will this do…

**WELL DONE ON PASSING YOUR THEORY** :D :smiley: :smiley: **WELL DONE ON PASSING YOUR THEORY** :D :smiley: :smiley: **WELL DONE ON PASSING YOUR THEORY** :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Cheers ROG - I finally got one of your banners… :laughing:
I cant wait to get out there and actually do the training now… :sunglasses:

congrats on the theory pass mate.

when you doing your driving then? when do you start?

congrats on the theory pass mate.

when you doing your driving then? when do you start?

Dunno yet, tried to call Zenith when I got back but it was an answer phone and I dont like talking to them :laughing:
I’ll try again tomorrow and get a date, but then it depends if Stagecoach give me the time off… :confused:


congrats on the theory pass mate.

when you doing your driving then? when do you start?

Dunno yet, tried to call Zenith when I got back but it was an answer phone and I dont like talking to them :laughing:
I’ll try again tomorrow and get a date, but then it depends if Stagecoach give me the time off… :confused:

OK, which one of you folks that trained with Zenith has the mobile number :question: :question:

Hi you are lucky, just phoned home and caught my son in, here is the number you wanted 07595 023953. Good luck. They are all brilliant especially Roy and colin.

nicked from this thread … ile+number