Theory & Hazard Perception questions

Evening all :slight_smile:

Couple of quick questions if one may.

I have my H&P tests booked for 22/10 and using the LGV training DVD. Theory side I’m doing good on (avg. 90-95%) but struggling on hazard perception. Either clicking too soon (I.e seen hazard before hitting scoring zone) or because the video quality is poor, I’m not seeing the hazards sooner. Getting 53-58% avg.

My question is whether the quality of the clips on the HP test itself are better/clearer?

Also I passed my car test in 1987 on a manual. Am I correct in my understanding that I have to do Modules 1a & Module 1b above and Module 3 only. I can then elect to do 35 hours CPC before driving (thinking 28hrs ADR & 7hr something else) rather than Module 2 & 4.

Is this thinking correct?

Many thanks again.

Evening all :slight_smile:

Couple of quick questions if one may.

I have my H&P tests booked for 22/10 and using the LGV training DVD. Theory side I’m doing good on (avg. 90-95%) but struggling on hazard perception. Either clicking too soon (I.e seen hazard before hitting scoring zone) or because the video quality is poor, I’m not seeing the hazards sooner. Getting 53-58% avg.

My question is whether the quality of the clips on the HP test itself are better/clearer?

Also I passed my car test in 1987 on a manual. Am I correct in my understanding that I have to do Modules 1a & Module 1b above and Module 3 only. I can then elect to do 35 hours CPC before driving (thinking 28hrs ADR & 7hr something else) rather than Module 2 & 4.

Is this thinking correct?

Many thanks again.

Does the DVD have ‘real’ video clips rather than computer-simulated ones? Apparently the actual test uses the latter.

I do sympathise - with my car theory test I got 100% in the actual theory bit but failed on hazard perception (which used video clips at the time, 2006), so I had to retake. I’m assuming that for HGV. with 1a and 1b being separate we’d only have to retake 1b in that scenario?

I think you’re right about CPC but am only just beginning to understand it! Keep seeing stuff about ADR only counting a max of 21 hours but not sure if that applies to you.

Also not sure if the only point of doing Module 2 is to allow you to do Module 4, or if it brings any other rights/exemptions by itself.

Am I correct in my understanding that I have to do Modules 1a & Module 1b above and Module 3 only. I can then elect to do 35 hours CPC before driving

Yes that is correct. As you passed your car test before 97 the choice is yours, either mods 2 and 4 OR 35 hours periodic training… I was in the same boat and I opted to do the 35 hours periodic training :wink:

Going from memory here so get clarification before taking what I say as gospel.

If your training centre is JAUPT registered, you can use the practical training to count towards your 35 hours.

Hopefully one the experts will confirm (or tell me to stop trying to help!)

Does the DVD have ‘real’ video clips rather than computer-simulated ones?

Yes they are real vid clips taken from a camera mounted on top of the car! I’m assuming/hoping then that the computer simulated ones are clearer than these crappy quality ones I’m training on!!

Yes that is correct. As you passed your car test before 97 the choice is yours, either mods 2 and 4 OR 35 hours periodic training… I was in the same boat and I opted to do the 35 hours periodic training :wink:

Cheers Rocky. My thought is to do the periodic training as a) I need to do them anyhow as some stage and b) I don’t like the idea of failing another test after passing (thinking positively!) the practical test.

Captain Caveman 76:
If your training centre is JAUPT registered, you can use the practical training to count towards your 35 hours.

Ah interesting! Something to ask the training centre.

Cheers chaps :sunglasses: