im off friday, i have my lift sorted and she doesnt seem to care to much, instead talking about how she may be able to go to austarlia to work, oh well back to wales and the beautiful pembrokeshire coast and i cant wait.
ok there may not be a fantastic array of jobs and the wages may not be huge but then there is no stress,no sitting in miles of traffic and no chasing your tail or the £££s
before i came to london i had a three bed flat for £200 a month, money in my pocket and drove a bmw, lazy summer weekends in the beer gardens mates to go out with friends and family around, lovely beaches and country side to lose yourself in(you can drive for miles and not see a sole).
and to top it all of i may be able to take over the running of one of the local pubs with a flat above, something i used to do about ten years ago and drinking is a local sport, 14 pubs in the space of 1/4 mile and only a population of 3000 or so
i think it was only untill i left i really appreciated what was there
well heres looking forward to my home coming, possibly a new job (fingers crossed) and of course wales winning the six nations, i will alwyas be on here and if anybody is heading to fishguard give me a pm
From what you have just said above I think you have made the right decision. Go for the pub thing now until the driving game picks up again. You never know you might enjoy it a bit more than driving and decide a full career change is in order.
Best of luck for the future kemaro and her loss is your gain!
wow five years!
thats gonna be tough too leave that. i been with my girl 3 1/2 years and i once almost walked out but didnt have the bottle as i was leaving the front door i couldnt do it. still with her now (or thou i dont think she’ll like my ambition to do tramping) it might be harder than what you think.
It is difficult to walk out after a long time, but when faced with a girl who treats you like that and appeared not to care in the slightest when you decided to leave you definately did the right thing. There’s no point continuing such a relationship as you’re just wasting your time and your life, sounds like she was simply using you as a financial prop, let some other mug do it instead. Might find something a lot better back in Pembrokeshire no doubt.
I had an accident 10 yrs ago that left me unable to work for many years. If I hadn’t got support from my mrs, God only knows what I would have done. Do you think you would have got this support?