As for the UK, well you have to ask yourself just how stupid can our leaders be…and more to the point just how stupid must the electorate be to keep voting them in.
You invite millions of people to settle here, not integrate, no sod that, multiculturalism is the way, peace envoy Bliar and his Meddlesome cohort ensured that with total media endorsement (anyone who objected was a racist), then you bomb the crap out of their brethren brothers call 'em what you will, then seem surprised when a percentage of the now established fifth columnists don’t like it.
Fulham, you’re having a go at the wrong people, which is exactly what politicians and the media want you to do.
No one asked me if i wanted the country overrun, a pint pot country with a quart of people stuffed in it, few if any checks made on them, no checks at all if you happen to have an EU passport, we’ve got convicted murderers working here wandering around without a care in the world, one of which the old bill have finally decided to look for about a month (years actually) too late…what the hell is a convicted murderer doing here in the first place…ask Cameron, Blair, Broon, Milliband, Clegg, Thatcher (cheers for the tunnel), Wilson…and then ask the prime traitor Heath who led us in to the EU, on lies, how unusual.
You could ask Enoch, he might even say i told you so.
I never wanted any of this but no one asked me, i never voted for any of the traitors in the lib lab con parties, they’ve sold, given away, surrendered (delete as needed) our country.
People like me didn’t cause this, politicians of the three cheeks of the same arse party did, again with the appoval of those who voted for them.
There are millions of bloody good men and women buried in graves, marked and unmarked, all over the world, who died to make this country free and safe from the hordes at the gate, each and every one of those poor buggers were better men and women than the ones who sent them, and infinitely better people than the current traitors who now rule…with your approval voters, never forget that.
Those poor buggers must turn in their graves at what has happened to this country, under our watch.
Be wary of doing politicians bidding (enthusiastically bigged up by the propaganda depts in the media), again.
Wake up Fulham, and see the wood through the trees, and remember whats really happening when you vote next year, unless you’d like to endorse the infinitely more important mansion tax.