The things people try … story.html

Good. More of these need to end up in court.

Why did she only have to pay some of the expenses. Good advert when you’re trying to start a business. ■■■■■ could have lost that bloke his job, mind you, I wouldn’t mind betting her ‘boyfriend’ put her up to it and she wasn’t clever enough to say no.

Would seem feasible but she aint a blonde …

Why did she only have to pay some of the expenses. Good advert when you’re trying to start a business. ■■■■■ could have lost that bloke his job, mind you, I wouldn’t mind betting her ‘boyfriend’ put her up to it and she wasn’t clever enough to say no.

Yeah, that was my thought as well. Went home and said a lorry had reversed into a bench near her then he had the idea and put her up to it.

Great rack though, I could imagine I might have reversed into a bench whilst gawping.

It probably only knows how to do one thing :wink:

the one thing i would do would be to crawl 100 yards over broken glass just to drink her bath water…but thats just me.shes a ■■■ goddess.( as far as hull is concerned) :astonished: