I’m thinking of having a vasectomy but I don’t think I’ve got the balls to do it.
I’m not bothered about the doctor fiddling around with my spuds, he’s already had his finger up my arse so we’re past that stage in the relationship.
My concern is the ongoing pain that some men report. Sometimes only manifesting itself months or years after the surgery.
Who’s had it done and what’s it like? Any problems?
Had it done no problems.
Take nurophen etc before and after.follow the advice the Dr gives best to have it on the Friday and have a few bags of frozen peas at hand. Keep taking pain killers, always good to have something a bit stronger.
Pee as much as you can, drink plenty of fluids then comes the bad part.
Shaking hands with the one eyed snake 
You’ll pass a bit of blood but that will pass 
Never had any problems
Had it done 25 years ago, felt like he used a pair of pliers and a rusty, blunt pen knife until the bruising came out, then it looked like he’d done it with a cricket bat.
Other than having to go to work the next day which was interesting (milk tankers) everything was fine with no problems since. If you have all the family you want then it’s a sensible thing to consider.
i think it all depends on your luck . i had it done many years ago and had no trouble at all , intact i was back at work the day after hand balling 50kg bags of lime dust . my foreman went shortly after , and couldn’t walk for several days as his nuts swelled up like grapefruit . look on the bright side , the wife can help you to fill the little bottles so they can tell when you’re clear . dave
Had it done 25 years ago, felt like he used a pair of pliers and a rusty, blunt pen knife until the bruising came out, then it looked like he’d done it with a cricket bat.

I think they do it differently now.
Has anybody had the no scalpel version?
…look on the bright side , the wife can help you to fill the little bottles so they can tell when you’re clear .
It won’t take me long to clear my tubes. Me and the wife are at it like rabbits hence why I’m considering rendering myself infertile. Condoms are expensive.
My wife is 70 this year and I’m coming up to 73 and we’re still at it most nights trying to add to the family!
My wife is 70 this year and I’m coming up to 73 and we’re still at it most nights trying to add to the family!
Good lad, that’s what I like to hear*. 
*hear, not see.
Had it done 16 yrs and had no aggro or after effects apart from that evening was a bit uncomfortable but after that nothing, he made a small cut about half an inch long between the gonads pulled the two pipes out one at a time with a small hook then snipped them both then soldered the ends off and that was that it, I had a week on the club to take it easy that’s one of the secrets I know.
A good few years ago my brother had it done after he and his wife had the family they’d wanted.
No immediate problems, until they went on a wedding anniversary holiday 12 months later, and for some unknown reason his gonads swelled up like footballs, put a right dampener on the holiday, but after a course of antibiotics and walking around like Audie Murphy for a week he got over it.
Immigrant, wtf is that link?
about the Snip 
Googled for it and that came off.
Sorry for that if it is wrong,but such Things came up on Google
about the Snip 
Googled for it and that came off.
Sorry for that if it is wrong,but such Things came up on Google
Ffs you wanna preview and check what you post fella 
femdomocracy.com - femdomocracy Resources and Information.
FFS, I think the expression, “Using a sledgehammer to crack a nut” may not apply here, but that may be less painful than some of the alternatives!
I’ve got a mate who had it done years back, had it done before I knew him 11 years ago. He’s apparently in agony even now with it. He’s been to the hospital and pain clinics because of it. 
The wife wanted me to get it done. If they’d have knocked me out I’d have done it, but not awake. Plus the fact that the surgeon that my doctors wanted to send me to was called Contractor, and was going to do it in his house. Sod that!
Wife got something called essure (not to be confused with Esure and Michael Winner lol) done, which is female sterilisation, took ten minutes and was painless.
had it done 25yrs ago,should of had it done 26yrs ago then i wouldn’t of had the dumb ■■■■■■■ that keeps refering to me as dad,for what it’s worth ,mrs says it still tastes the same 
My ex missus wanted me to get it done so in the end I did, After she asked me did it hurt and I told her I was in agony and for a week she waited on me hand and foot and I never did tell her I never felt a thing and was fine !
The worst thing about the whole exercise was the half net curtains on the window across the room that I was looking out of and could see into another window so any one there could look in through my one, the other was the two little pieces of what looked like spaghetti stuck to the side of the medical waste container, that did make me feel a bit feint 
two little pieces of what looked like spaghetti stuck to the side of the medical waste container
That’ll be the pipes from the ball bag, I watched them pull them out with a little hook then cut them it was very interesting.
The bit I didn’t like was they told me to strip off from the waist down and sit on the bed and then promptly left me there uncovered for a good 10 minutes whilst they got things ready, now I’m not usually shy at ■■■■■■■■■■ but I did feel a bit vulnerable.