The Scottish football season starts … html/1.stm

Och you’ve cheated and used pictures of the Baseball ground from a few years ago! :wink:

Actually it did start yesterday when the wee docksiders from Edinburgh played their first game in the Intertattie cup, they sadly won 5-0. [zb][zb][zb][zb].

Dunoon? Could have sworn that was Somerset Park.

It looks much improved now. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Neil, did you see the program on last week about the Hearts players who went off to the war in 1916 ?
Very interesting and quite sobering. Some of the Leith’ers went too, but certain “other” clubs didn’t.
Puts todays game into perspective.

Its actually played at Crappielow just after the groundsman has got it in top form.

Neil, did you see the program on last week about the Hearts players who went off to the war in 1916 ?
Very interesting and quite sobering. Some of the Leith’ers went too, but certain “other” clubs didn’t.

I didn’t see the programme but I have read the book about McCrae’s Battalion.

scotland=football. :unamused: is some one avin a larf. :sunglasses:

scotland=football. :unamused: is some one avin a larf. :sunglasses:

The name Sir Alex Ferguson springs to mind :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

The greatest manager of an Englishfootball team EVER apparently. :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

scotland=football. :unamused: is some one avin a larf. :sunglasses:

But Terry if scotland didnt have any football teams where are all the great , but old players from the real proper English teams go to play a few final games :laughing:
They need to go to scotland and kid the socks that they are there for the long term, fleece the socks senseless , play a couple of games then retire :laughing: :laughing:
Then return to their home in England that they never sold in the first place with a stash of easy money from the poor simple scots. :laughing:

You’re right, we might not have the best footballers right now…
I could move to Sweden though, they make football a lot more exciting…

Or I could move to Engerland…

Its actually played at Crappielow just after the groundsman has got it in top form.

How is Kilbowie these days Jammy? :stuck_out_tongue:


Its actually played at Crappielow just after the groundsman has got it in top form.

How is Kilbowie these days Jammy? :stuck_out_tongue:

Thats below the belt !!! no need for that at all :wink:;)…