The new server is up, please report any issues here

Cruise Control:
27 people now. it worked. strange as its same version I had installed.

thanks, it might be a broken record but occasionally it does work!

Great :slight_smile:

Still cant post any pictures page goes blank and says waiting for trucknet, nothing happens after that

have you tried to clear your cache on your PC?

Fixed for me now. :laughing:

Still cant post any pictures page goes blank and says waiting for trucknet, nothing happens after that

Rob, please could you let me know which forum/thread is this happening on and send over the image to so I can try.

Site still appears not to like me.
Trying to post photos, all goes well until I get to the “add the file” bit. When I click on the button, my screen goes blank. (A bit like my brain, actually).
This appears to be occurring on all threads.

Retired Old ■■■■:
Site still appears not to like me.
Trying to post photos, all goes well until I get to the “add the file” bit. When I click on the button, my screen goes blank. (A bit like my brain, actually).
This appears to be occurring on all threads.

Please try again now and let us know how you get on.

Absolutely perfect, matey- we’re back in business!
Many thanks, James.

As no problems have been reported for over a week am moving this to the feedback forum=- looks like it went pretty well

could you please tell me how to delete massages on my post,thanks

could you please tell me how to delete massages on my post,thanks

If you’re asking about private messages.
Top right corner, two buttons, ‘x’ and ‘quote’.
Click on the ‘x’, post deleted.