The learning curve

being now employed by a major company again :laughing: that have had a big recruiting drive on (they have there pick of drivers here due to money ) the amount of storys that am hearing about new guy disasters is amazing dropped trailers /vehicle damage /walls / as a older guy told me today there taking them on with sod all experience (all you newbiees out there there is hope just short employment contracts) this is a good company so i find it hard that all i seem to hear is guys on this site saying ive not done 2 years ive no experience wheras my message has allways been if youve passed a test you need a job apply BUT listen to what they tell you and dont be afraid to ask if your not sure :wink: we all started somewhere and in this game its all about learning

wise words young grasshopper :laughing:

young grasshopper :laughing: yes i can walk across a bed of hot ashes that was 2 jobs ago (told them nite heater was faulty) :laughing:

you never stop learning in this game and that doesnt take new legislation into account
credit where its due though, at least they will give new drivers a chance

new drivers aye boy but weve stil got a date at dawn :laughing: you kill me il recommened you hows that :laughing: i kill u u owe me a tea :laughing:

new drivers aye boy but weve stil got a date at dawn :laughing: you kill me il recommened you hows that :laughing: i kill u u owe me a tea :laughing:

tell you something, i wasnt far off. i got there at 10.10 and left 2 hours later :blush: :laughing:

The problem I have at the minute is there is always some people who forget that it takes time to learn, once its learnt then I dont forget it, but if I dont know it then how am I expected to do that?

Well, there are two sides to every story.

Firstly, you’ve gotta learn somewhere and secondly, the more experience you have the better, right?

I’ve got about 5 years experience in driving 7.5t at that weight, top heavy, for a lot of hours for a steady £8.40 an hour. Off the tacho, stupidly long hours, night and day over the country.

So now I’m back in the real world and 5 years experince is good, right?

I just have to stop hitting things :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: My reversing has improved too :laughing: but I’m still learning. Are you? :unamused: :unamused: :sunglasses:

The problem I have at the minute is there is always some people who forget that it takes time to learn, once its learnt then I dont forget it, but if I dont know it then how am I expected to do that?

I don’t think anyone forgets it takes time to learn. This Industry (driving trucks) is like no other. You get thrown in the deep end, and you get through it by bluff and bluster. I don’t think there is actually any one company that trains a driver. Sure, you get an induction, shown where the bogs are, where the fuel pump is etc. Some big Supermarkets have taken on from the shop floor, mainly for a PR reason they then publisise it in their in house or union magazine, i’ve know one or two to have a ‘buddy scheme’ but only for one or two drivers. Back on planet earth, you just have to ask a guy next to you and hope he’s a goodun and tells you. Training and gaining experience is for magazines and leaflets, it doesn’t really happen. Thats why a lot laugh at new drivers, new Polish drivers, agency drivers etc…they laugh not at them but moreso to say, thats right, they just get left to it.

Oh no, this one guy in particular forgets that I have only been doing the job for a few months whereas he has 10 years plus doing it.

Theres things that I dont know, like oh that guy will come out to unload you out here and if you back up there you will be alright rather than going down forwards etc etc.

As a newbie…
I’m never too scared to ask.
I’m more scared of the end result if I’m not sure and DON’T ask!
So far I’ve found that other drivers are more than willing to help.
I find nothing shameful in asking for advice.
I’ve had a couple of older drivers asking me if I knew how to operate a digi tacho. What button to press to put on breaks etc and how to eject the ■■■■ thing at the end of the shift.